Big Brother 23 Day 75

September 19, 2021

10:54 AM: Kyland told Xavier that this is a challenging moment for him because he has not been in a situation where he has to take a wait and see approach rather than having control over the situation. Xavier said he will continue to give Kyland the reassurances that he needs but he will not know until the moment comes. Kyland said the word reassurance is helpful. Xavier said that he will probably meet with everyone today but he will save Kyland for last.

12:12 PM: Derek and Xavier discussed that Kyland was sucking up to Azah. Derek said it’s because Kyland believes that Azah is going to jury and he wants her vote. Xavier said he is guaranteeing Derek a spot in the final two if he cuts Kyland, so he needs to know if Derek can beat Azah. If so, Xavier said he is fine with doing what needs to be done. Derek said he would be lying if he said that Azah can’t pull out a win with her back against the wall, but he believes that he can beat her. Derek pointed out that taking Kyland doesn’t guarantee either of them a spot at the end. Xavier brought up that Kyland would likely take him so he is taking more of a risk by keeping Azah, which is why he is asking if Derek can beat her in the final HoH competition. Derek said he can beat her and he does not want to take Kyland because he is too entitled.

12:50 PM: Derek talked to Xavier about how Azah and Kyland have two very different resumes. Derek said Kyland think that he should be there since he did more work than Azah. Xavier pointed out that Hannah and Tiffany also did more than Azah but they are gone. He argued that it is about taking who they can beat. While he acknowledged that Azah might be able to win the competition, he said that becomes more so his problem than Derek’s because she would take Derek. Derek said that if he were watching at home, he would go with the odds of taking Azah over taking Kyland. He suggested that he can beat her since he has placed ahead of her in competitions more often than not. Xavier said that evicting Kyland will be the move of the season and they will have to win HoH if they do it.

5:28 PM: Derek told Xavier that he is faced with a hard decision and he will feel bad no matter what he does. He worried that it may look bad since he does not know what the jury will think. Xavier said it doesn’t look bad since Derek was not disloyal. Derek said that they would be breaking the final three that they made with Kyland. Xavier said Azah would feel the same way if they cut her. Xavier added that every person in the jury, with the exception of Sarah Beth, would be happy to see Kyland leave. They discussed that they are guaranteed final two if they can win the first two parts of the HoH competition. If Derek cannot cut Kyland, Xavier said he would use the veto on Azah so that she could make the move. Derek said he wants his spot to be secured and it’s just going to be awkward. He said he is also trying to get something on his resume by making the move. Derek clarified that he just feels bad. Xavier said he knows and he also knows that Derek will do what needs to be done.

9:37 PM: Xavier told Azah that he is not the type of person to get in power and then bribe people or use his leverage to get people to do things that they wouldn’t normally do. Xavier said he is not going to tell people if he keeps them that they have to take him to final two, as they are past that point in the game. Xavier said there is a chance that he could go home either way if he doesn’t win the final HoH competition. Azah said she prays that she doesn’t see jury because Hannah and Tiffany will be cracking up and telling her that they told her the boys were working together. Xavier said he thinks Kyland thinks that he is either keeping nominations the same or using it on him. Either way, Xavier said Kyland believes that he has Derek in his back pocket.

10:52 PM: Feeds were cutting in and out frequently for well over an hour. Xavier headed up to his HoH room to watch the kitchen on the spy screen. He said that Derek and Kyland have been arguing about the same thing for over an hour and a half and have gotten nowhere. He said “just shut up!”. Xavier said either way he has to win final HoH. He mentioned that he had thought about keeping Kyland but he cannot do that since he cannot deal with this, and as long as Kyland is there, he is going to be doing this and getting into Derek’s head. Xavier said that it is ridiculous.

11:03 PM: Xavier went to Azah and said he needs her to make it make sense to her that he has been having to try to convince Derek to vote out the man that he keeps fighting with to keep what he says is his closest friend in the house. Azah said “yep”. Xavier questioned why he is working harder than Derek is to keep Azah when the person that he is trying to keep her over is the person that he constantly fights with. Azah said she wishes that she could explain it. Azah said Derek keeps telling her that Kyland is saying Derek will be a bad person if he doesn’t keep him over her. Xavier said he told Derek that at this point he is about to pull her off because he is making it so difficult. Azah agreed that it should not be a hard decision. Xavier said it objectively makes more sense for him to keep Kyland but he has told Derek to keep Azah even though he knows that Azah would take Derek over him.

11:37 PM: Kyland spoke to the cameras. He said if he doesn’t win the final HoH, he is going to lose and he probably should if he is being honest. Kyland said Xavier wants to take care of his nephew but he is sure that he is not going to raise his nephew to be a coward and to think that the only way to win is to avoid facing a challenger. Kyland said Xavier will not take the easy way. Kyland said he could have taken the easy way by taking Xavier out but he is not going to take the easy way out when he respects the game and thinks that their season deserves the best. Kyland said that if he makes it to final three, he might not beat Xavier in the first part of the HoH competition. He said that he can most likely win part two. Kyland figures that if he doesn’t win the final HoH, he will probably lose 6-3 or 5-4 to Xavier.

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