Big Brother 23 Day 9 - Travis is evicted 11-2; Kyland wins HoH

July 15, 2021

5:37 PM: Travis was evicted by a vote of 11-2. Derek F and Tiffany voted to evict Alyssa.

5:52 PM: The HoH competition took place. Kyland is the new HoH.

9:08 PM: The live feeds returned. The have-nots for the week are Brent, Derek X, Hannah and Whitney.

9:09 PM: Azah said that Brent controlled Frenchie’s entire HoH and was able to do so without getting any blood on his hands. Tiffany said that he talks entirely too much, which she does not like. Azah said he would not be in this situation if he had listened to her. Tiffany said she likes Frenchie as a person but they agreed that something changed in Frenchie after Day 1. They attributed it to Brent getting in his ear.

9:11 PM: Alyssa asked Derek X who she thinks was trying to frame him for the vote. Derek X said he doesn’t know but he doesn’t get why there were two votes. He thinks that there would have only been one had they tried to frame him. Alyssa said that’s true. Derek added it’s concerning that they are trying to frame anyone at all.

9:23 PM: Kyland quietly ran through scenarios while on his own in the bathroom. It was unclear what exactly he was thinking. Hannah checked in to see how he was doing. Kyland said it’s rough but he assured her that she has nothing to worry about.

9:34 PM: Brent spoke to Xavier about the two votes. He discussed Frenchie saying he knows who they were but one of them wanted to stay anonymous. He also said Derek F is claiming that he will take the blame for one of them just because he wants people to calm down. Brent didn’t buy it and said that you wouldn’t take the fall for it unless you actually did it. While feeds were down, it sounds as though Frenchie volunteered to be a pawn as well. Brent said he really did trust Frenchie but he has to be wary of him.

9:57 PM: Sarah Beth told Kyland that she is trying to act bummed about not winning. Kyland said she is the only one that he is going to tell that she will not be seeing the block. He explained that he does not want to promise everyone safety like Frenchie did. Sarah said she talked to Christian this morning about potentially working with Derek X, and he shut her down. However she said that Claire is willing to work with Derek, so they could form something between the two of them, Claire, Derek X and Tiffany if Kyland wants to be in a formal group with her.

10:02 PM: Azah told Britini she hopes that Frenchie pulls out the win in the Wildcard Competition cause she feels like he is a target. Britini said that makes her nervous because they could easily throw her on the block next to Frenchie. Britini said she can play dumb if the girls alliance is brought up by Kyland, as she still doesn’t know much about it. Azah said she thinks that it will no longer be brought up since Frenchie is a target and his name is the first that will come up if a witch hunt begins.

10:14 PM: Alyssa told Christian she thinks that Brent is trying to get closer to her to get her away from him. Christian agreed. Alyssa doesn’t think that Brent would go after Christian immediately but does think that he would be the first one that Brent would target out of the Slaughterhouse.

10:17 PM: Brent joined Alyssa and Christian. Alyssa said that Kyland had better not nominate Frenchie since that would be dumb. Brent said that Kyland will go home next week if he puts up the alliance. Alyssa stressed that they need to talk to Kyland tonight even though he does not want to talk game. She wanted to resolve the issue of the rogue votes as an alliance. Brent’s theory was that Derek F and Frenchie were the votes. Alyssa reminded him that Frenchie didn’t vote. It was then discussed that Frenchie probably told someone from the girl alliance to do it.

10:31 PM: Tiffany spoke to the camera. She said it’s dangerous that Frenchie doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. She explained that she threw the vote in order to show him that she is loyal to him, as it’s better to have him or her side than against her. She talked about keeping her enemies close and said as long as he is loyal to her, she will work with him. However she said that she would love to see Brent and Frenchie on the block this week.

10:36 PM: Claire mentioned a group of her, Derek X, Kyland, Sarah Beth and Tiffany to Tiffany who was on board with that plan.

11:04 PM: Azah told Xavier she is kind of worried that Kyland that can be impressionable and then one of them may find themselves on the block as a pawn. Xavier said he better not nominate anyone from the Cookout, as they cannot risk that.

11:26 PM: Christian told Alyssa about the Butchers alliance of Derek F, Frenchie, Kyland, Xavier and himself. Christian assured Alyssa that she is his person and he is more loyal to her. He also said Frenchie talked to him about a final two but he would choose her over him.

11:50 PM: Kyland got his HoH room. He received a letter from his mom. After reading it, he let everyone know that he doesn’t want to do much talking tonight but he will meet with the teams and with everyone in a one on one tomorrow. She mentioned making a time limit because they don’t know how long they have until nominations.

12:25 AM: Alyssa, Christian and Xavier met with Kyland. When Alyssa asked if they are good, Kyland explained that he does not want to tell people they are good but it would be stupid for him to go against the numbers. Xavier said they trust that his actions will show his loyalty. Kyland said he does not even want to tell anyone who he is thinking about nominating. Kyland talked about moving past the rogue votes because they have the numbers and wants the group to stick together.

12:31 AM: Sarah Beth told Claire and Tiffany that they had a team meeting and both Christian and Xavier feel safe this week. She said that makes her think that they are in an alliance with the guys including Frenchie and Kyland. Tiffany said you know there is a big alliance and they are not in it. She suggested that it was the boys and Whitney. Claire added that Alyssa may be involved as well. Tiffany told the girls her theory for the rogue votes is that there were supposed to be three of them but someone backed out. She said she thinks that people were trying to frame her team so that they would be easy targets this week. The girls talked about needing Brent to go this week.

12:35 AM: Brent, Derek F and Whitney met with Kyland. Kyland said that he would love for things to be less stressful for everyone. He said he thinks that there was a misunderstand when it came to the votes, and he knows that they have the numbers and does not want it to impact things. Whitney said she is fine with moving past it but they need to communicate better as a group in the future. Kyland said he doesn’t plan on telling anyone that they are good this week or who he is thinking of nominating.

12:38 AM: Hannah talked to Azah about being frustrated that Brent and Whitney decided to volunteer their team to be have-nots this week. She thought that her and Derek X should have had a say in it. Hannah said it’s very obvious that Brent and Whitney are working with Frenchie because they were all scrambling together earlier. Azah agreed.

12:46 AM: Kyland told Frenchie that he wants the vote to be water under the bridge so that they can move forward together as an alliance. Frenchie agreed and said they have the numbers to do whatever they want for the rest of the game.

12:48 AM: Tiffany told Sarah Beth they could get the two of them, Claire, Derek X, Kyland, Azah and Alyssa but Alyssa makes her nervous. She thinks that Alyssa was promised something.

12:53 AM: Whitney apologized to her team for volunteering them to be have-nots. She said her logic was that they are going to have to do it at some point so she would rather get it out of the way.

1:07 AM: Kyland told Claire and Tiffany that he is not going to tell a single person that they are safe. Kyland said his plan for tomorrow is to speak with either the two of them or Frenchie first and then do one on ones with everyone and keep them to a limit of 10 minutes to ensure that he can talk to everybody. Kyland said that he can’t really even make a decision until he sees what happens with the Wildcard Competition. Kyland asked that the girls keep an eye on who people talk to following their talks with him. Tiffany told Kyland that it’s a game and it’s always fair to after someone who came after you and it’s always fair to break your word. Tiffany also brought up that Derek X is on an island by himself and he has wanted to be with them. Finally, Tiffany told Kyland to do what he wants not what the house wants him to do. Tiffany listed off herself, Claire, Derek X and Sarah Beth and potentially one more as people that will stick with him. Azah, Britini, Christian and Xavier were mentioned as the other options.

1:25 AM: Claire and Tiffany used the chess pieces in attempt to break down Frenchie’s games. They figure that he is with Brent, Whitney, Christian and Alyssa. As they were discussing other potential options, the feeds cut for a lengthy period of time.

2:06 AM: Feeds returned to Claire and Tiffany who were still going over the chess pieces. Tiffany said that Frenchie got his strong players in Big D, Xavier, Brent and Kyland. Tiffany then added in Christian and also added Derek X since he got him to use the veto. They discussed that if Alyssa believes that they cast the rogue votes, it will create division amongst the girls so that the guys don’t have to worry about them anymore. Tiffany thinks that she and Claire will end up on the block together at some point because there are only three strong women and the other is Whitney who locked herself in with the guys. Tiffany said that even if Brent goes, Frenchie would still be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, tainting everything. Tiffany said that Kyland cannot be scared to put Frenchie on the block, since this is a game. Tiffany told Claire that they still have Azah, Britini and Sarah Beth. On top of that, she thinks that she can get Hannah to give them six, and then they can grab Derek X as well. They agreed that Kyland likely has an alliance with someone else that they are not included in, but he has to work with them due to the teams twist.

2:19 AM: Derek X joined Claire and Tiffany. Derek X suggested that they could have the numbers to do whatever they want. He listed off himself, Claire, Tiffany, Hannah, Azah and Sarah Beth as the six that they would need to force a tie. When Claire threw out Britini’s name, Derek said he thinks they could get her if they wanted but they do not need her vote this week. He said they would have to be careful because that type of group is exactly what all of the guys are worried about and that’s why they will push for a girl to go. Tiffany said they need to make Kyland realize what’s going on and have him see what he could be in with their potential group.

2:47 AM: While discussing possible nominations, Derek X told Claire and Tiffany that Brent has told him multiple times that he will never be able to trust Kyland again. Derek asked who they would like to go. Tiffany said that she wants Frenchie out. Tiffany explained that he is the most protected guy in the house. Derek said it’s a big move so they would need to find a way to do it where there is minimal bloodshed. Derek wondered if Kyland would tell anyone if he laid it all out to him. Tiffany said Kyland is a loyal guy but he should not feel that he has to be loyal to Frenchie after he threw him on the block. Feeds cut to the HoH room and Kyland got ready for bed.

3:06 AM: Tiffany let Derek X know that she will not be going against him. She said he has the ability to think things through and they need him. They worried that Kyland is easily influenced and that he might believe he is in a better spot with the big group than he really is. Derek brought up how things were not looking good for Kyland the night before the veto ceremony, when Frenchie was pushing him hard to use the veto on Alyssa. Derek said Frenchie told him to be very careful around Kyland because Kyland tried to form a final two with him. Tiffany said that Frenchie cannot be trusted and Derek needs to talk to Kyland after Frenchie does in order to lay everything out for him. Derek said it’s going to come down to which side Kyland feels better positioned with.

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