Big Brother 24 Day 1 - Daniel wins HoH

July 6, 2022

6:17 PM: During the premiere episode, Daniel became the first HoH of the season.

6:18 PM: Pooch received a “Backstage Boss” pass. This means that he will be backstage all week, not participating in any competitions, not being eligible for nomination or eviction, and not voting on eviction night. Additionally, Pooch had to pick three others to join him backstage, with the catch being that those three are not necessarily safe even though they cannot compete, vote or be nominated. Pooch chose Alyssa, Brittany and Paloma. Julie later revealed that America will vote to keep one of those three safe.

9:34 PM: The live feeds launched.

9:38 PM: Big Brother revealed that Daniel would have to choose four have-nots for the week. Joseph, Kyle, Michael and Monte volunteered to be have-nots. The have-not room then opened, as have-nots started immediately.

12:42 AM: Alyssa and Paloma discussed that they need to form an alliance. They said that they trust each other. They called themselves “Scorpio Sisters”. They agreed that they need to get some strong guys on their side. Alyssa named Kyle and Pooch. Paloma said that Jasmine is so loyal and she would not turn on them. They discussed forming an alliance of six, potentially consisting of three guys and three girls. Monte’s name was brought up as the final potential member. Both said that they do not trust Daniel. Paloma said that they could make it an eight person alliance by adding two extras to the true alliance of six. The girls solidified a final two deal.

1:26 AM: Brittany asked Alyssa, Indy and Paloma if they want to protect each other. Alyssa said that they need to watch each other’s backs.

1:49 AM: Up in the HoH room, Daniel spoke to the cameras. He said that he has been auditioning for 10 years for this show. He added that he always said he wanted to win the first HoH. Daniel said Nicole seems like a homie, Alyssa is dope, Kyle is cool as hell, Paloma is cool as hell but too young for him to see where her mind would be at in terms of strategy. He said Indy and Taylor are firecrackers. He added that Terrance is not a threat and they have got to keep him around. As for Brittany, he said that she is very sweet but would be easy to put on the block. He also said that he likes Pooch, at which point he added that he likes too many people right now.

2:02 AM: Alyssa and Paloma met up again to discuss that they need Jasmine, Kyle, Monte and Pooch on their side. Nicole’s name was also mentioned. The girls said that Taylor gives them bad vibes. Paloma said that she is so condescending. Paloma suggested getting one of the guys to fall in love with her and then they can boot them out of there for being a showmance. Paloma said she likes Indy, while Alyssa said that she gets good vibes from Ameerah as well. Alyssa said that girl alliances never work so they just have to say that they have each other’s backs.

3:50 AM: Alyssa, Ameerah, Brittany, Indy, Jasmine and Paloma discussed aligning as a six and then having side alliances with the guys. It was said that they can manipulate the guys.

3:56 AM: Alyssa and Paloma discussed that they still need to make another alliance. While they said that they trust the girls, they don’t think that they will win enough competitions. Alyssa said she thinks that the two of them can get Kyle and Pooch on their side for sure. Paloma said that they have to get in good with the guys and they cannot let “Pageant Girl” go in and control the guys. Alyssa worried that Taylor would be able to get Monte over them since those two are both pretty and single.

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