Big Brother 24 Day 10 - Jasmine nominates Pooch and Taylor

July 15, 2022

10:40 AM: Ameerah let Nicole know that Pooch wants to go on the block next to Brittany in order to backdoor Taylor. Ameerah said she will be voting to evict Pooch if he is on the block, which Nicole agreed with. They both feel safe with Taylor at the moment in a sense that she would not come after the girls if she were to win HoH. On the other hand, Nicole pointed out that the girls will not be safe with a strong duo like Pooch and Turner in the house.

10:50 AM: Indy told Ameerah and Nicole she doesn’t think that they should get Taylor out right now. First of all, she said it’s not fair to put someone up who just got off of the block. Secondly, she said that it’s not the right move right now. Nicole agreed and said that Taylor is not a threat right now.

11:13 AM: Nicole informed Daniel that Pooch wants to go up as a pawn. Daniel said he already knows. Nicole said Pooch is going to go home if he is up there. Daniel admitted that it’s tough for him since Pooch is a number on his side for the time being, but he will be influenced more by the other guys in the house. Daniel did say that he would rather ride with the girls than the guys.

11:26 AM: Jasmine told Daniel that she still kind of wants to get Taylor out but somebody is offering themselves up. Daniel revealed that Pooch already told him his plan. Daniel was a little concerned that Taylor would stay and come after him but he said he otherwise would be down for taking out a guy over a common house enemy. Nicole stopped by, at which pointed Jasmine assured her and Daniel that they are safe this week.

11:48 AM: Jasmine let Michael know that he is not even a thought in her head to go up as a nominee. They discussed the plan for the week, which Michael reassuring Jasmine that he has her back if she puts Pooch up. Michael said Taylor told him that her goal for the week, prior to the HoH competition, was to get back in good with the women of the house. Daniel later told her that he is down to ride it out with the girls, so he is a number on their side if they have something going on.

11:53 AM: Ameerah, Michael and Nicole spoke to Monte about the plan to vote Pooch out if he is on the block. Monte admitted that it puts him in a tough spot since Pooch thinks that they are in a guys alliance, so he said there may be a few votes the other way.

12:15 PM: Jasmine asked Brittany who she would nominate. Brittany said if she were Jasmine, she would put Taylor up there. Jasmine asked what she would do if a guy came to her offering to go up as a pawn. Brittany said she is not into Pooch and she hopes that it was him. Jasmine said Taylor is a threat but she is one she can have on her side right now. Brittany agreed, adding that Taylor needs people right now. Brittany said she would have nominated Pooch and Turner had she won this week.

12:39 PM: Alyssa suggested that Jasmine take Pooch up on his offer to go on the block. Alyssa said she doesn’t think that Pooch will ever be on her side, so she is fine with him leaving. When Jasmine asked who the pawn should be, Alyssa mentioned Taylor’s name. Alyssa asked who Jasmine would prefer to see go. Jasmine said she would would prefer to get a big target like Pooch out. Alyssa said it should be an easy week since any of Pooch, Taylor or Turner can go and the house would be on board.

12:46 PM: Indy told Jasmine she would prefer to see Pooch go over Taylor, adding that she cannot stand him. Indy worried that Pooch would fight hard for the veto if he is up against Taylor, but Jasmine said she would reassure him that she wants Taylor out and needs nominations to stay the same.

12:58 PM: Jasmine spoke to Kyle about her plan to nominate Taylor, and also asked for his thoughts on Pooch. Kyle said he would not be heartbroken to see Pooch go up. Kyle agreed that Pooch and Taylor are both good options for targets this week. Jasmine said she believes the house wants Pooch out at this point. Kyle said it may be best for his game if Pooch leaves since he does not want to be associated with Pooch if he is rubbing people the wrong way.

1:09 PM: Terrance told Jasmine that he would have nominated Indy and Taylor had he won. When asked for his thoughts on Pooch, Terrance said he knows Pooch wants to go on the block. Terrance said they would have the numbers for Taylor if she were to be up next to Pooch. Jasmine asked if Terrance would be willing to evict Pooch. Terrance nodded his head.

1:18 PM: Monte brought up that Pooch is volunteering to go on the block. He also told Jasmine that Pooch is trying to get the guys together. Jasmine revealed that he tried to make an alliance with her as well. She said Pooch was not on her radar until he offered himself up and told everyone about it. Monte talked about Pooch gravitating towards him but being too much of liability. Monte did disclose that it would be tough for him to vote Pooch out since it would not make sense to the guys who think that they are aligned. He warned Jasmine that there would likely be four votes to keep Pooch, those being Joseph, Kyle, Turner and himself. Jasmine said she understands if Monte wants to use the veto on Pooch should he happen to win it. When asked what her ideal scenario for the week is, Jasmine said it would probably still be Taylor going home.

2:00 PM: Joseph told Jasmine that he trusts her with everything and he will do whatever she needs from him. Jasmine asked if he would be upset if Pooch left. Joseph said it would suck and he would rather play with or against Pooch than Taylor. Joseph asked who would go up next to Pooch if Taylor wins the veto. Jasmine said she would probably put someone up who has already been nominate. She added that it would not be Michael. She later said it might have to be Brittany instead of Terrance.

2:17 PM: Jasmine and Turner discussed that Pooch offered himself up even though you can never guarantee that the votes will go a certain way. Jasmine revealed that she would like to put Taylor up next to Pooch rather than try to backdoor her. Turner agreed that it’s not worth backdooring since that doesn’t always work. Turner said he will have a mental breakdown if Pooch leaves.

2:30 PM: Taylor told Jasmine that she would prefer not to be a pawn but she would not be shocked if she is. Jasmine admitted that Taylor will be going up but said that she is not the target. Taylor asked what happens if the target wins the veto. Jasmine said she would then have to put a bigger threat up next to her. Not long after, it was revealed to Taylor that Pooch would be the other nominee.

2:44 PM: Ameerah, Indy and Jasmine discussed the votes. They listed off Alyssa, Ameerah, Brittany, Daniel, Indy, Michael and Nicole as votes to evict Pooch.

2:53 PM: Jasmine let Daniel and Nicole know that a lot of people want Pooch to go. Jasmine said she wants them to be okay with that. Daniel said he is okay with taking a guy out.

2:55 PM: Jasmine informed Michael that she will be picking him if she gets houseguest’s choice, and she would like for him to pull Taylor down if he wins, and then they can send Pooch home. Michael said he is 100% on board.

2:56 PM: Pooch told Jasmine he is a little bit nervous about Taylor winning the veto. Jasmine reassured him that she has people fighting to pull him down. She implied that Brittany would go up if Taylor happened to win the veto. Pooch said he would like for Taylor to feel safe so that she doesn’t fight as hard for the veto.

3:06 PM: Jasmine told Kyle that she would like his vote in order to keep Brittany if Taylor happens to save herself. Kyle agreed. Jasmine said she is okay with him using the veto on Pooch if he wins, as he would need to save face. Kyle asked if Jasmine thinks that Pooch would go home over Taylor. She said yes but she needs to have his vote. Kyle said 100%.

3:11 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:38 PM: Feeds returned. Jasmine nominated Pooch and Taylor for eviction.

4:44 PM: Joseph told Pooch and Terrance that he is going to talk to Jasmine because they can’t have Michael using the veto on Taylor. Pooch figured that he would not do that since Brittany will then go up.

4:47 PM: Pooch let Michael know that he was in on the plan to get a certain person out that the house wants out of there, plus he thought that doing this would be a good way to earn Jasmine’s trust.

4:51 PM: Ameerah told Taylor that she doesn’t even need to win the veto since Pooch will be going home. Taylor said she wants to do it for herself and for her resume. Nicole added that they have the votes even if they boys don’t get on board with keeping Taylor.

5:12 PM: Pooch said he felt like he was going up since Jasmine didn’t talk to him much. Taylor said she knew that she would go up as a pawn for whoever the HoH was. She then corrected herself and said she thought it was going to be as a pawn. Taylor said she expected to go up next to someone strong. Pooch said he is nervous for if Taylor wins the veto. They both agreed that best case would be Brittany going up as the replacement since they would have a shot at staying over her.

7:48 PM: Taylor spoke to the cameras. She said she wants to take a shot at Monte but it needs to be the right time. She mentioned that he is clearly not with her based on him not offering anything after having misunderstood what took place between her and Paloma.

8:31 PM: Ameerah told Michael she feels almost guilty for doing this to Pooch but it would be silly not to take the shot. Michael said they have to make sure that he stays on the block. They talked about wanting to bring girls along in addition to their six person alliance. There were talks about targeting Joseph, Pooch and Turner ahead of the girls that are not in the alliance. If Pooch wins the veto, they agreed that Turner should be the one to go up.

9:04 PM: Michael let Taylor know that he is willing to play if she wants to pick him for houseguest’s choice, but he would not commit to using the veto. Michael said his main goal is making sure that Pooch does not get off of the block. Taylor said she would have to think it over tonight. Taylor revealed that she would prefer for Monte to go over Pooch if they could get him on the block this week.

9:17 PM: Indy, Jasmine and Nicole discussed that this is their chance to get Pooch out. Indy figured that they have nine votes to do so, with the only ones voting the other way being Joseph, Monte and Turner.

9:43 PM: Kyle told Jasmine he needs it to stay low key that he is thinking about cutting Pooch. Jasmine said she will not tell anyone. Kyle weighed the pros and cons but ultimately said it’s not good for his game to be associated with Pooch. Jasmine said it also wouldn’t be good for him to use the veto on Pooch, forcing her to pick someone else to go up. He agreed.

9:56 PM: Kyle and Nicole talked about how they are okay with either Pooch or Taylor leaving. Kyle said his only hesitation with taking Pooch out is that she may come after Daniel whereas Pooch would not come after anyone in their alliance. Kyle said Pooch wants him to play in the veto comp for him but he would either throw it or not use it. Nicole suggested that it’s best to do what Jasmine wants this week, which would be targeting Pooch. She added that it helps their alliance to get as many threats out of the way.

10:05 PM: Jasmine reassured Taylor that she is working hard to get her the votes. She asked for reassurance that she would be safe with Taylor next week. Taylor made it clear that she would be targeting a guy. She threw Monte’s name out there as a potential option for her.

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