Big Brother 24 Day 5

July 10, 2022

11:31 AM: Nicole told Daniel that they have to remember they are in this game for themselves. Nicole said she has no doubt that the two of them are going to ride it out and get to the end together. Daniel said he was almost going to keep Taylor because he ultimately has to think of his own game, and they were connected. Nicole said she is probably Taylor’s only true friend in the house, but she started thinking about why she would align herself with somebody that nobody likes when she could get the same results by aligning herself with Ameerah. Nicole explained that Ameerah is the same type of strong female but she has connections with all of the women in the house. Nicole noted that Taylor made some negative remarks and had some negative energy last night, whereas nothing negative has came out of Ameerah’s mouth. Nicole said that unless the whole house is fooling them in regards to Taylor, the writing is on the wall and there is only so much that they can do for her.

12:22 PM: Feeds cut in in the middle of a conversation between Ameerah and Taylor. Ameerah told Taylor she doesn’t know who is going up and she isn’t sure if Daniel even knows. Taylor agreed that Daniel doesn’t even know at this point. They discussed that everyone is leaving their talks with Daniel feeling good.

12:40 PM: Ameerah told Alyssa, Kyle and Michael that Taylor thinks she is going to be nominated but she then questioned if they would actually put two black people up. Kyle said it’s going to be bad when she goes up. Ameerah added that things are about to blow up. Michael said there is a part of him that feels bad because he wants to be sure that they are doing this because of game and not because of how Taylor talks which could be misconstrued. He said he would feel horrible if he left the house and found out that something was blown out of proportion. Alyssa said Taylor is a strong competitor and not in their alliance, so everybody else has to go.

12:51 PM: Ameerah spoke to Jasmine about Taylor thinking that she might go up. When she brought up Taylor questioning if two black people would go up, Jasmine said she is all for the movement but she said on premiere night that Taylor was lying, and she is happy that she is being targeted without her having to get the blood on her hands. Jasmine said that Taylor putting on a gown and saying it’s what she is wearing to finale night is what screwed her with the guys. As for the next targets, the girls suspected that Indy, Terrance, Michael and Brittany could be in trouble. Ameerah said she could also see Daniel and Pooch leaving early.

1:34 PM: Alyssa told Nicole she has heard some talk about Taylor but she thinks Taylor is so sweet and she wonders if they have misread her. Nicole said she thinks they are the only ones who feel that way. Alyssa said she thinks that Taylor is going to be really blindsided. Nicole pointed out that Taylor is a stronger player than everyone who she has had any beef with up to this point. Alyssa called her a strong competitor and someone who would make them feel as though nobody is safe if she were to win an HoH.

2:10 PM: Feeds went down as the swimsuit photoshoot took place.

3:16 PM: Feeds returned.

3:30 PM: Indy told Joseph that she is more of a guys girl and she knows that she can trust him and Monte. She suggested that she can help them out with the girls and they could help her out with the guys. Joseph agreed.

6:20 PM: Paloma spoke to Monte about implementing the buddy system that The Cookout used last season. She said that she, Alyssa and Ameerah are going to buddy up with Brittany, Indy and Jasmine. Monte said that his is Joseph but he also feels really good about Daniel. The two agreed that a guy needs to go next week. Paloma told Monte that everyone is speaking to her and therefore she knows everything and that’s why she is so confident. She let him know that if she wins the $750,000, she wants to invest in his and their other allies’ businesses. She said that is the way that she can hack Big Brother since they are told that they cannot split the money.

6:52 PM: Taylor asked Terrance if he feels like he has got the votes. Terrance said he hopes that he does but he has no indication what Daniel is going to do. Taylor said she doesn’t even know if Daniel knows what he will do, but she thinks that he can get the five votes. Taylor said that yesterday she was questioning if she could be the one going up. Terrance stated that Daniel hasn’t said a word.

6:56 PM: Nicole spoke to Ameerah about how they need to figure out who the two of them and Daniel want to work with moving forward. A few names were floated out there for a potential six person alliance, including Alyssa, Paloma, Pooch and Turner.

7:01 PM: Paloma told Alyssa she knows that they cannot share the money but she will invest in her if she wins. Paloma added that the money would be all of theirs and not just hers. Paloma went on to say that she told the same thing to Monte and that she has no secrets.

7:18 PM: Daniel explained to Michael that Monte opening up last night and expressing his worry about Taylor confirmed that this is the right move, especially hearing that from a black man. Daniel said the number one thing for him is that Taylor basically called Jasmine fat without literally saying it. Daniel said he acknowledged how this will look when his week ends with two black people on the block, but Monte reassured him that they know the truth whether it’s on TV or the live feeds. Michael told Daniel that he has his support and he has people behind him.

7:36 PM: Alyssa told Ameerah she feels bad because people may have misinterpreted when Taylor tried on the dresses and said “this is my finale dress”. Ameerah asked if people are mad about it. Alyssa confirmed that it’s why people started talking about putting her on the block. Ameerah said that’s stupid since they all brought a finale dress into the house. Looking ahead, Alyssa said she would probably nominate Nicole next to either Daniel or Terrance if she wins HoH. Ameerah mentioned Indy, Joseph and Terrance as options. Ameerah filled Allyssa in on Nicole coming to her to try to get a group together with Daniel, Pooch and Turner. Alyssa worried that she would then have nobody to put up. They agreed that they wont be able to win HoHs once it gets down to Mamba and the girls alliance being the only ones left.

7:49 PM: Taylor said she is nervous that she is going up. Paloma said she doesn’t know where anyone’s head is at. Taylor agreed.

8:24 PM: Jasmine, Paloma and Turner talked about people’s plans for next week. Turner said he has heard Indy’s name a lot. Paloma said she thinks that Terrance needs to be the next to go. Turner suggested making the same nominations as this week. Paloma pointed out that she doesn’t want to vote two black people out in a row but she thinks that targeting Terrance is the best move.

8:41 PM: Daniel looked for clarification from Paloma about what happened last night in regards to Taylor. Paloma said Monte came to her and said Taylor told him that Paloma is targeting Monte. Paloma said Taylor is playing a terrible game. Daniel questioned why Taylor would throw Paloma under the bus when she isn’t on the block and doesn’t have a vote. Paloma said she is that dumb. Looking to next week, Paloma argued that Terrance needs to go even though that would mean two black people are leaving first. She said that she doesn’t see colour but rather is judging people based on their gameplay and strategy. Paloma stated that Terrance has not tried to come to her and talk game.

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