Big Brother 24 Day 6 - Taylor is the replacement nominee

July 11, 2022

11:32 AM: Brittany pitched to Paloma that she and Michael could team up with Paloma and Monte. Brittany said that Paloma is playing a game that she cannot play. She pointed out that she and Michael are married and engaged respectively whereas Monte and Paloma are young and single. Brittany said that she and Michael may not necessarily fit in with some of the groups and all she asks is that Paloma and Monte try to keep their names out of people’s mouths, and they can return the favour in their groups. Paloma was on board with it.

11:58 AM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:10 PM: Feeds returned. Michael used the Power of Veto on himself. Daniel nominated Taylor as the replacement nominee.

1:10 PM: Paloma told Taylor that people cannot be judged off of one bad moment, and she is sick of it. Paloma said they are all a family and even if Taylor goes, she should be cheering them on from her couch because of that. Paloma went on to say that if Taylor has one friend out of this, it’s her. She assured Taylor that she is there for her. Taylor tanked her and said she loves her.

1:15 PM: Taylor told Alyssa and Paloma she didn’t realize that she was hurting people. Paloma said it took time to get to know her and she doesn’t want Taylor going home thinking that they hate her. Paloma said she doesn’t want anyone leaving the house and getting bullied. Taylor said the part of the speech that got to her was Daniel saying that she has rubbed people the wrong way and that it’s her chance to apologize.

1:23 PM: Taylor hugged Daniel and admitted that the hard part of it all was hearing that she is hurting people. Daniel said she is taking this all so well and he is proud of her.

1:27 PM: Brittany spoke to Monte about her plan for the two of them, Michael and Paloma to look out for each other. She was fine with him taking the time to think it over, saying that she wont even be mad if he comes to her and says he doesn’t think that it’s best for his game, but she feels as though it’s a win-win for them. She brought up that Paloma will be strong in wall comps, Monte will be strong in physical comps, and she can excel in mental comps. Brittany explained that she is not looking to make a big move next week. She suggested that Indy would be a target for her since she isn’t talking game.

2:00 PM: Joseph told Monte that he could be in trouble if the backstage twist ends up saving Taylor, because she may find out that Monte had something to do with her going up. Monte figured that she would then try to backdoor him.

2:10 PM: Ameerah told Taylor she thought that she was working with the guys. Taylor denied it. She said that she has been trying to go into rooms to find people to hang out with but they leave the room when she enters. Taylor added that it’s the girls she has been looking for. Taylor explained that right when she began this process she said that she wanted to play with the girls but she was trying to make the guys feel like she was a guys girl. Ameerah asked if Taylor told Monte that Paloma was gunning for the guys. Taylor said no. She explained that she encouraged Monte to speak with the girls because they might feel as though the guys are teaming up. Furthermore, she said she named Paloma specifically because she talks the most.

2:52 PM: Terrance let Indy know that he likes her and thinks that she can go a long way in the game. He added that he would like for them to stick together. Indy said she doesn’t want to set up any alliances but she will honour her feelings and her heart.

3:41 PM: Joseph and Pooch discussed that Ameerah and Indy needs to go sooner rather than later. They believe that Ameerah is the most likely to catch on to the guys alliance and do something about it. Pooch said he would probably nominate Brittany and Indy if he were to win next week, and then he would backdoor Ameerah if the veto is used. Pooch said Paloma needs to go sooner than later as well.

3:53 PM: Daniel asked Paloma if Taylor is aware that this happened in part because she threw Paloma under the bus. Paloma said no. Daniel worried that Paloma had exposed things during their talk after the veto ceremony. Paloma reassured Daniel that she was only checking in on Taylor, not talking game with her.

4:06 PM: The girls chatted in the bedroom about how they need to stick together. Alyssa, Ameerah and Paloma said that Pooch and Turner need to go.

4:19 PM: Terrance told Taylor he would have had the votes against anyone else and he did not want to be up against her. He pointed out that the backstage twist could give them a glimmer of hope. He said the goal is to get someone else on the block and get them out.

4:39 PM: Brittany told Pooch he should capitalize on the fact that she has been backstage for him all week. Brittany said she will be Pooch’s if he has to choose between the backstage girls as a nominee and does not choose her. Pooch said he would like some safety for next week, which Brittany agreed with. Brittany then warned Pooch that his name has been thrown around. Pooch said he was already assuming that and he knows it would be dumb to think otherwise. When Pooch guessed that it was Ameerah, Brittany did not deny it.

4:53 PM: Brittany told Taylor that if they are both participating in some type of competition for the backstage twist, they could potentially work together if there is the ability to do so. She mentioned that other people are concerned about Alyssa and Paloma as well. When Taylor brought up Paloma being the first to come to her after the veto ceremony. Brittany said she thinks Paloma feels bad since Paloma was the one who spread the rumour about Taylor and ran with it.

5:31 PM: Ameerah told Monte that Brittany told Pooch that she is trying to get him out, and he confronted her about it. Ameerah said that she can no longer put him up now if she wins. Monte asked how she got that information. Ameerah said she does not know.

5:37 PM: Taylor was alone and questioned who she could have hurt to a point where multiple people are going to Daniel. She then asked why she has the worst gut feeling about Monte.

5:57 PM: Ameerah filled Jasmine in on Pooch coming to her in a panic because she said that Ameerah is targeting him. Jasmine didn’t know if she believed it but Ameerah did. Ameerah said Pooch explained that Brittany was trying to get his trust for the backstage thing by revealing that information.

5:59 PM: Taylor spoke to Monte, telling him she hopes that he would let her know if he is the one who she hurt or offended. Monte brought up Taylor encouraging him to speak to Paloma because there were some male targets. Monte admitted that he was thrown off by that since he had been having game conversations with Paloma but it was his first with Taylor. Taylor said she wasn’t clear, as she was trying to say that the girls were nervous that a guys alliance could be developing, so she thought it would be best for him to reassure Paloma since she has the most sway with the girls. Monte said he apologizes if he misperceived what she was saying.

6:19 PM: Pooch told Monte that Brittany pulled him into the storage room and said that Ameerah is targeting him. Pooch said he knows that isn’t true since he and Ameerah shook hands two days ago and agreed that they are good for next week. Pooch said Brittany must assume that they don’t talk, and he went straight to Ameerah with the information. Pooch pointed out that he now has a reason to put Brittany up, so he wont feel as bad about it.

8:06 PM: Ameerah told Jasmine that she would honestly rather have Taylor there over Brittany at this point, seeing as Brittany threw her under the bus to Pooch. They discussed that Brittany is always the one telling them that girls alliances have to have each other’s backs yet she goes and does this.

8:31 PM: Ameerah said something is going around and she is not liking it. She told Brittany that there is a rumour going around that she is trying to get rid of Pooch, and she only told her girls alliance about that. Brittany asked who told her that. Ameerah said she doesn’t want to say it because she wants to find out who leaked that first. Ameerah made it clear that the alliance needs to stick together and cannot be spreading information like this.

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