Big Brother 25 Day 13 - Hisam decides not to use the PoV

August 14, 2023

9:45 AM: Cirie told Jared she thinks Bowie should choose her to go to the nether region if she has to pick someone. While they are assuming that the person would lose their vote, Cirie thinks it would be advantageous to keep the decision in their hands in case a power comes up after that.

9:49 AM: Reilly told Matt that Hisam let her know she is his target and he might tell everyone at the veto ceremony to help him evict her. Matt said it might end up working out in Reilly’s favour depending on how Hisam handles himself. He suggested that Reilly could cry and make people feel bad if Hisam is mean. Reilly said Hisam is so set on her leaving that he was asking who some good people to work with would be, plus he said sometimes people come back in the game via a Battle Back.

9:56 AM: Hisam informed Cameron that he is going to tell everyone at the veto ceremony that Reilly is his target and he hopes that they will help him evict her. Hisam explained that Reilly split the house in two and he feels like people may not want to be on the side that they were pushed to. Hisam reiterated that Cameron is safe and that he would not have put him in this position unless he knew that. Before wrapping up the conversation, Hisam confirmed that he will not be using the Power of Veto.

10:04 AM: Hisam told Bowie he is nervous about removing one of their votes if Bowie has to choose someone to go to the nether region. He asked that she choose Matt. Bowie said she likes that idea since he then cannot vote for his girlfriend.

10:24 AM: Cirie told Mecole that Reilly has a bit too much power over Blue, Jag and Matt. Mecole agreed since they are all willing to put their games on the line for Reilly. They talked about potentially going after Hisam. Mecole’s concern is that Hisam could shift to an alliance with Cameron, Cory and Jared if he finds out. Cirie said Cory wants Hisam out and has talked about backdooring him after putting Bowie and Red up initially.

10:42 AM: Mecole told Cory she is leaning towards Bowie and Red as nominees. Cory said that’s what he was thinking as well.

10:59 AM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

12:49 PM: Hisam decided not to use the Power of Veto. Cameron and Reilly remain nominated.

12:56 PM: Bowie and Cory discussed Hisam’s speech. Cory was surprised that Hisam asked everyone to vote Reilly out when his intention was already clear. Bowie said there was no need for it.

1:00 PM: Izzy said Reilly is going to get sympathy because of the speech that Hisam gave. Mecole said the choice of words was interesting but she thinks way worse things have been said on the show.

1:04 PM: Jag and Reilly discussed that it was unnecessary for Hisam to go to the lengths that he did during his speech. Reilly said for someone who preaches inclusivity, integrity and character, he did the opposite of what he preaches. Blue joined them and said Hisam rallied up the other side and did exactly what they did in week one, and it was not fair for Reilly to take the blame for everything when it was a joint decision.

1:11 PM: Hisam approached Reilly to apologize. He said he was overly harsh and it was his mistake. Hisam added that it was not meant to come out that way and he feels as though he lost his kindness. Hisam told Reilly that he does not want her to feel worse than she already did. Reilly told him not to beat himself up. She said to forgive himself and move forward.

1:18 PM: Hisam spoke to Jag about the speech, saying he tried to be transparent but he crossed the line. Hisam said he apologized to Reilly and will see what happens from there. Jag said he will check in on Reilly. He asked to give Hisam a hug before leaving the room.

1:24 PM: Matt was the next person that Hisam brought in to talk about his speech with. He explained that he was too harsh. Hisam talked about being full of emotions. Matt said it comes with the position since he saw Reilly go through it last week and now Hisam this week.

1:40 PM: Cameron told Red that his campaign will be to trust that people are going to keep him. He said any other campaigning he does would only be those who aren’t changing their minds anyway, and then they would use the information against him, so there is no point.

2:26 PM: Jag told Jared that Cameron going would be good for them since it would eliminate the rat. He talked about having seen it over and over where an alliance doesn’t find the rat until too late, and they all get picked off.

6:03 PM: Reilly told America and Mecole that she is not done and knows that she can help people and protect them but she has to make it through this week. Reilly thinks Hisam was trying to scare people off of her by creating a false narrative surrounding her. She said he embarrassed her in front of the whole country.

6:04 PM: Cory told Hisam that Reilly thinks his speech was a good thing for her since people will now know she is going after him and only him. Hisam insisted that Reilly is responsible for the divide in the house and took away everyone’s ability to choose their own side. He added that Reilly knew the speech was coming. Hisam let Cory know that people were bringing up his name a lot during his talks prior to nominations.

6:15 PM: Reilly told Mecole that she can win competitions and will not put her up if she wins. Reilly said she would owe Mecole massively. If she doesn’t win, Reilly argued that she would provide a shield in a sense of people would target her first. Mecole said she needs some time to think things over.

6:36 PM: Cirie coached Reilly on her campaign, telling her it’s crucial that she have a heart to heart with Izzy and that she get Felicia on board. Cirie thinks that Reilly would then be able to stay as long as she can get those two votes. Reilly talked about wanting to backdoor Hisam. Cirie let her know that everyone, including Izzy, is on the same page with that. Cirie said she has nothing against Cameron but she would rather have Reilly there.

7:06 PM: Izzy joined Cirie and Reilly at the hammock. Reilly said there is so much about last week that she wishes she could change. She talked about not getting to know people and how it was a horrible representation of how she wants to play the game. Cirie said Izzy is her person and she wants to know why Reilly didn’t connect with her. Reilly said she messed up and felt as though she was stuck in the HoH room. She stressed that it was not a case of her not wanting to hang out with Izzy, but rather that they simply didn’t get a chance to connect. Reilly said she wants to change that. Reilly said she loves Cirie and Felicia, and thinks they can all do something together down the road.

7:22 PM: Cirie told Izzy she thinks they would have a better shot at beating Reilly than Cameron. She talked about how they would still have the numbers and Reilly would owe them. Izzy worried that keeping Reilly would give the other side something to rally around and allow them to bring more people in. She also didn’t trust that Reilly would honour anything with her specifically.

7:27 PM: Jared told Izzy he understands where she is coming from with Reilly, seeing as he would want someone out if they said his name too. Jared also said Reilly comes with too many troops. Cirie said she is glad she has Izzy and Jared to make things makes sense to her. Jared had brought up that Cory may shift to Reilly if she stays. Cirie said that’s what changed her mind.

7:47 PM: Cory told Cirie and Izzy that Hisam told him people have been saying his name. They said Hisam is lying. Cory thought the implication could be that they were the ones saying his name. They talked about Blue and Jag having been up in Hisam’s room for a long period of time tonight, and wondered what he could possibly be saying to them. Izzy said the Hisam stuff is a game changer for her. She wondered if they should now keep Reilly to go after Hisam. Cory said he would save Reilly if it were up to him. Cory thinks the three of them and Jared would be safe if Reilly wins HoH. They went over the numbers and believe that they could keep Reilly. Cirie and Izzy said that they are now leaning towards doing that.

8:09 PM: Reilly told Felicia that she and Cirie are her girls, and she will protect them. Reilly said she does not think that Hisam is going to last long in the game, especially if she has anything to say about it. Felicia said she feels more of a connection to Reilly than Cameron, so she is going to talk to Cirie. Her worry was how Hisam would react. Reilly said he will always target her before Felicia, plus he wont be around long enough to come after Felicia anyway.

8:24 PM: Cirie and Izzy discussed that Hisam told the Professors not to make any more alliances last night, then he has been making them for himself all day today. Izzy said she cannot wait for Hisam to blow up. She hoped that they could get a unanimous vote to evict Cameron. Izzy mentioned that it would be great if Reilly were to win HoH, take out Hisam, and then they can get her when she cannot play the following week.

8:41 PM: Izzy told Mecole that Hisam is throwing her and Cirie under the bus to Cory, and they are questioning if they should now keep Reilly. Mecole immediately said no. Mecole stressed that the time to take the shot at Reilly is now, otherwise she will make it to the final three. She added that everyone is after Hisam anyway, so they do not need her help with that.

8:51 PM: Jared told Felicia, Cirie and Izzy that Reilly’s people have the ability to continuously win competitions and they will not go after each other. He thinks that Jag would come to them if Reilly leaves, whereas he will stay with her if not. It was also mentioned that Hisam would come after them if they flip the vote. Felicia said the simplest thing to do would be to stick to the plan and then Hisam will be the target for everyone next week.

9:00 PM: Mecole ranted in the storage room by herself. She questioned why the alliance cannot keep it together for a week and keeps having to add people or switch targets. Mecole continually stated that Reilly has to go this week.

9:29 PM: Izzy told Reilly that if Cirie trusts her, she trusts her. Izzy said she is still weighing her options and one thing she is considering is that Reilly’s people, Blue and Jag, do not want a relationship with her. Izzy said she would really be going out on a limb if she votes a certain way. Reilly said she learned her lesson from last week and she would offer Izzy protection moving forward.

11:12 PM: Cirie wondered if Bowie, Red and even Hisam would move over to the other side if they keep Reilly. Izzy said she was all fired up earlier. Cirie said they have to think straight. Izzy pointed out that as much as she wants to see Hisam’s face if Reilly stays, everyone is already gunning for him. They weren’t sure what Blue, Jag and Matt would do if Reilly is gone. Izzy worried that if they keep Reilly, the other side would think they can get them to do this every time. Izzy said she hates Cameron but they have to deal with one person at a time. Cirie said Reilly is a bigger threat than Cameron. Izzy brought up that Hisam is scary and she isn’t sure that it’s worth the aftermath.

11:23 PM: Felicia told Cirie and Izzy she is going to ask Jag what Hisam promised him and Blue during their conversation. She noted that Jag is now talking differently than he was a day ago when he was all about keeping Reilly. The three talked about Hisam’s speech and think he feels stuck with their side since he doesn’t have a choice, and he is taking it out on Reilly for not bringing him in last week. The group continued to debate what the best move is for this week. Izzy said the one thing that would make her entertain keeping Reilly is she would be another person who could win a physical competition to help get Hisam out, which they need to do since he is not with them. Alternatively, she brought up that either outcome results in everyone wanting to go after Hisam. Cirie said they may not get another shot at Reilly. Cirie thinks Hisam is going to go to Cameron, Blue, Bowie, Jag and Red if Cameron stays. Felicia said they have to save Reilly then. Cirie said they can still keep talking about it but Hisam is looking for protection next week, which is why he is not talking to them.

12:24 AM: Cory told Izzy he thinks Reilly being there would be good for the short term but it would get messy, and he is not sure that it’s worth it. Overall, he said he thinks that they will be fine either way. Cory said if they vote out Cameron and then Hisam wins veto next week, they are in trouble. Cory added that keeping Reilly seems mostly like an F you to Hisam, and what’s the point if that’s all it is. They agreed to talk it over more tomorrow.

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