Day 37
Red is evicted; Cameron wins HoH |
Day 31
Jared nominates Cameron and Red for eviction |
Day 30
The power saves Jag; Jared wins HoH |
Day 27
Red decides not to use the Power of Veto |
Day 25
Red wins the PoV; Jared reveals his secret |
Day 23
Cameron wins HoH, nominates Blue and Jag |
Day 20
Hisam is the replacement nominee |
Day 18
Jag wins the Power of Veto |
Day 17
Felicia nominates Cameron and Jag for eviction |
Day 16
Reilly is evicted; Felicia wins HoH |
Day 14
The back and forth about the vote continues |
Day 13
Hisam decides not to use the Power of Veto |
Day 12
Feeds return; Hisam won the Power of Veto |
Day 11
Feeds don't return following the veto competition |
Day 10
Hisam nominates Cameron and Reilly for eviction |
Day 9
Kirsten is evicted; Hisam wins HoH |
Day 7
The HGs position themselves for next week |
Day 6
Hisam decides not to use the Power of Veto |
Day 5
Talks pick up ahead of the veto ceremony |
Day 4
Hisam wins the first veto comp of the season |
Day 3
Reilly takes Cory and Jared off of the block |
Day 2
Reilly wins the first HoH comp of the season |
Day 1
Cirie enters the game; four houseguests are nominated |