Big Brother 25 Day 17 - Felicia nominates Cameron and Jag for eviction

August 18, 2023

10:46 AM: Felicia began her one on ones with Cory. She said the house wants the same thing, which is Hisam. She said it will have to be a backdoor. Felicia said Jag is for sure going to be a nominee after what he did yesterday. As for the second nominee, Felicia said she is is thinking of nominating Cameron again. She mentioned wanting someone who is a beast in competitions to be able to play in the veto comp.

10:50 AM: Felicia told Matt that he is nowhere on her radar and she would never put him up. Matt said he feels the same way about her. Felicia said the goal is to target Hisam, and she is thinking of putting Cameron up again because she needs someone who can win the veto.

11:06 AM: Felicia let America know that Hisam is her target. They agreed that Hisam is likely to throw the veto competition if they can make him feel comfortable enough. Felicia said she is thinking of nominating Cameron and Jag. They discussed that what Jag did yesterday was dumb, as he was going around lying to people that they had the votes to save Reilly, hoping that everyone would flip without talking to each other. America said Jag pulled her aside five minutes before the vote to say it’s off because Izzy told him to stop pushing it.

11:22 AM: Cameron asked Felicia what she needs him to do. Felicia explained that Jag is going up due to what he did yesterday, and then she would like for him to trust in her plan to backdoor Hisam. Felicia said she needs Cameron to be the one to win the veto. If nominations stay the same, Felicia said Jag would be her target. Cameron suggested that him going on the block would make Hisam feel uneasy since he would not understand the move. He said that Blue and Jag would make sense. Felicia said she would think about it.

11:34 AM: Felicia asked Red who he thinks she needs to put on the block. Red said he thinks Jag is the target. Felicia agreed. Felicia said it will probably be Blue and Jag on the block. Red asked if Matt would be the backdoor option. Felicia said yes.

12:17 PM: Jared told Felicia to trust her gut. He said that no matter what combination of nominations she makes out of Blue, Cameron and Jag, it will not raise suspicion on Hisam’s part.

12:22 PM: Felicia filled Cirie in on what Cameron said about how him going up would be a red flag to Hisam. Cirie said that’s not the case since Hisam said they could put someone like Cameron up even though it may not be his first choice.

12:28 PM: Hisam asked if Jag is the target. Felicia said yes. She explained that Blue or Cameron will be the other nominee. Hisam agreed that Jag is the obvious target but suggested that Matt would be a good option for the other nominee since he would be likely to use the veto on Jag if he is not on the block. Felicia revealed she is considering Cameron as the other nominee because he has a high probability of winning the veto. Felicia said she will talk to Matt since she doesn’t believe he would throw his game away for Jag. Hisam said he is behind Felicia 100% no matter what she decides.

1:34 PM: Felicia let Jag know that Cameron is a pawn for her and he is going to be her other nominee. Felicia explained that neither of them are her targets, as Hisam is, but Cam would be the secondary target if something were to go wrong. Jag asked how she decided to put him up next to Cameron. Felicia said Hisam is smart and it would have been a red flag if someone aligned with Reilly did not go on the block. Jag asked who Felicia would use the veto on if she wins it. Felicia said she would use it on Jag. The two then discussed working together moving forward. A seven person alliance was talked about. The other five members are Blue, Cirie, Izzy, Jared and Matt.

2:00 PM: Felicia told Mecole that Hisam is the backdoor target. She said her nominees will be Cameron and Jag. She mentioned being irritated with Jag for the stuff he did yesterday, but he is not her target. Mecole said she is looking at the numbers and a man needs to go this week after women have left the previous two evictions.

2:11 PM: Hisam told Izzy he feels great since he doesn’t have anything to worry about. Izzy agreed. Hisam said he is so relaxed and couldn’t be happier with who won HoH this week.

2:18 PM: Felicia told Cirie about the seven person alliance that she discussed with Jag.

2:45 PM: Jag talked to Matt about the proposed seven person alliance. Jag said that will be their squad and nobody is going to expect them to be working together.

2:52 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:20 PM: Feeds returned. Felicia nominated Cameron and Jag for eviction.

4:23 PM: Jared told Jag they are all on the same page in that Cameron will go home if nominations stay the same, otherwise Hisam is going up and out.

4:25 PM: Red asked Cameron if this is just another pawn situation. Cameron said he thinks he played it so cool last week that they have decided to use him again. Red questioned how much he is trusted given that nobody filled him in on the plan.

4:26 PM: Jag mentioned that he walked into the conversation with Felicia being told that he was going on the block and then walked out if it with a seven person alliance. Blue said she trusts everyone in the group of seven.

4:47 PM: Hisam asked Cameron if Felicia said why he was going up. Cameron said it was pitched that he can fight for the veto to keep Jag on the block. Hisam said he knows that Felicia’s target is Jag 1000%. He added that the only thing that changes anything is if Jag wins the veto.

5:19 PM: Red told Izzy he feels on the outs with The Professors right now because nobody let him know anything. Izzy said all she knew is that the target would be Jag. Red said it makes sense but he didn’t know if he was being left out due to his relationship with Cameron. When Izzy said she didn’t know either, Red said that makes him feel better. Red said Cameron is his boy but the Professors come first.

5:39 PM: Cameron let Red know that Hisam is the target for the week. Red said he is really competitive and would have to go at some point. Cameron said Hisam is trying to tell people what to do and he does not want to play his game, so he has been laying the groundwork for this move to happen for a while now. Cameron said he is on the block to take himself down in order to ensure that Hisam leaves.

7:28 PM: Blue told Jag she talked to Cirie and Izzy about the seven person alliance, and they agreed that the core four remains intact.

7:42 PM: Izzy told Cirie she has been thinking it’s the two of them and Jared since Day 1. Cirie said Izzy would probably beat them in the final three and have to choose between them. Izzy said she knows exactly what she would do, but Cirie said not to tell her. She assured Izzy that neither she nor Jared could ever hold anything against her at that point.

7:56 PM: Red told Bowie they are supposed to be an alliance and he would have liked to have been filled in on the plan. He suggested that there is something else, like a backdoor, going on. He added that the way Jag is being treated today is not indicative of them targeting him. Bowie said she could try to talk to them to get some information.

8:03 PM: Bowie went to Izzy to let her know that Red is saying he needs to know if there is a backdoor plan in place. She said he told her that his priority is the Professors but this is what breaks up alliances when people are not included.

8:06 PM: Red said he feels on the outs. Cirie told him he is not on the outs with the alliance, and they found out what Felicia decided at the nomination ceremony. Felicia joined them and said she wants Cameron on the block to win the veto because Jag is her target. Red asked if he should take Cameron down if he wins. Felicia said yeah. Talk eventually shifted to Hisam, what Felicia fishing to see how Red would feel about him being targeted. Red said it would be a big game move and smart on her part. Felicia admitted that it has crossed her mind. She said it would have to be a complete blindside. Felicia asked if Red would be okay with Hisam going up and being voted out. He said yeah. Bowie agreed as well.

9:45 PM: Cirie told Izzy that Cameron is telling Red everything and she hates how he keeps acting like he does not know what’s going on.

10:02 PM: Red filled Cameron in on the Professors alliance, telling him both the name and the members of the group. Red said Hisam is going because he put too big of a target on his back and rubbed people the wrong way. Red said Cameron is the next man up to join the alliance. Cameron said he will pick Red if he gets houseguest’s choice, now that it is out in the open that Red knows what the plan is.

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