Big Brother 25 Day 3 - Felicia and Kirsten remain nominated

August 4, 2023

11:13 AM: Reilly told Hisam she wants to do what she can to ensure that Kirsten is the one to leave this week. She pointed out that Kirsten seems to be sticking her hand in all of the cookie jars. Reilly let Hisam know that she may pick him or Mecole if she gets houseguest’s choice, hoping that they will leave nominations the same.

12:02 PM: Felicia told Cirie and Izzy that Reilly plans to leave her on the block as a pawn, seeing as it would ensure that Kirsten would go home. Felicia said it makes sense so she is okay with it.

12:11 PM: Izzy suggested to Cirie that they could create a foursome with Blue and Hisam in addition to having one with Bowie and Felicia. Cirie agreed. Izzy clarified that the two of them and Jared is the group that they are ultimately with. Cirie and Izzy went on to speak to Bowie about wanting to stay solid with her and Felicia.

12:37 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

2:42 PM: Feeds returned. Reilly removed Cory and Jared from the block. Felicia and Kirsten remain nominated.

2:42 PM: When feeds returned, Reilly was crying in the HoH room. She told Jag she hates that she had to do that to people. Jag reminded her that it’s a game. Reilly explained that she cannot even look Felicia or Kirsten in the eyes since she feels bad.

2:54 PM: Reilly told Blue that she would like for them to get in a room with Cameron, Jag and Matt to solidify the group of five that was discussed last night. Blue, Jag and Reilly are at the core of it in their own three person group as well.

3:02 PM: Reilly told Jag she reassured Felicia that she is not going anywhere and that she will make sure that it is a unanimous vote in her favour. They agreed that nobody other than Kirsten herself would use the veto on Kirsten.

3:20 PM: In front of Felicia, Cirie told Jared that she is happy for him. She said Jared has got to think about her girl in the event that he wins the Power of Veto. Felicia said she thinks Reilly expects her to leave nominations the same if she wins, but she is going to have a conversation with her to let her know that she could not live with herself if she were to win the veto and not use it to take herself down.

3:47 PM: Izzy let Hisam know that she would like to take Felicia down if she wins the veto. They talked about wanting Cory out this week. Izzy said Reilly made it clear to her that Jag is her number one, so they have to watch what is being said in front of him. Hisam said Reilly mentioned that she has talked to Blue, Cameron and Matt. He found it interesting that Reilly did not say she had talked to Red. That made them question if Red is actually not connected to that group. Izzy said her ideal boot order for the next couple of weeks would be Cory, then Cameron and then Luke.

6:08 PM: Felicia said she needs to get eight votes. She counted Bowie, Hisam and Mecole as three, as they were in the room with her. Cirie and Izzy were mentioned as two more. Bowie wondered about the other girls. Mecole said she does not think that America and Blue can be trusted. Bowie suggested that they remind everyone it would not be cool to vote the oldest person out first.

7:05 PM: Jared told Cirie that he really wants to win the next HoH so that he can solidify certain relationships. Izzy joined them and said she was ambushed by Kirsten while she was in the shower. Izzy asked if Blue is in an alliance with the people upstairs. Jared said he doesn’t think that she is yet. She then asked about Jag. Jared denied that he is involved either. When asked if Reilly genuinely wants to work with them, Jared said yes.

8:19 PM: Red told Cirie and Izzy that they are his safe circle and he has been comfortable around them since he walked in. He mentioned that Cameron and Hisam are the only other two that he has talked game with would be Cameron and Hisam.

8:51 PM: Izzy told Cirie and Felicia she is hearing that Blue, Jag, Jared, Luke, Matt and Reilly are working together. She said Blue being involved scares her since Blue approached her today and seemed to be genuine.

8:53 PM: Kirsten told Cirie, Felicia and Izzy she thinks that being in their room too much maybe have been a factor in putting her in this position. Cirie said she will keep it straight with her, and then proceeded to tell her she thinks it’s because Kirsten disseminated information to everybody while no one else is doing that. Felicia added that people could be giving her information to see how many people it comes back from.

9:48 PM: Felicia came up with the name Bye Bye Bitches for her alliance with Bowie, Cirie, Izzy and Mecole.

10:22 PM: Blue, Cameron, Jag, Matt and Reilly met in the HoH room to solidify their alliance. They called themselves The Handful. Reilly said these are the people that she wants to make it to the final five with. All five said that they are in. They discussed adding America, Cory and Jared to a secondary group in order to give them eight.

1:29 AM: Cameron, Matt and Reilly let Cory know that the three of them, Blue and Jag were talking and he is the first name that came up as someone that they want to work with. Cory said he loves that group moving forward. Cameron said nothing is better than eight people, so there are two more that they have discussed bringing in as well. America and Jared were revealed as those two people. Reilly said it’s important to establish who they see as their family moving forward while she is in power.

2:17 AM: America joined Blue, Cameron, Cory, Jag and Matt in the HoH room. Blue explained that the plan is to form a group of eight with the six of them, Jared and Reilly.

5:07 AM: Cirie, Izzy and Red discussed looking out for each other. Izzy said she wants to work with them, Bowie and Felicia. Red said he really likes Cameron but isn’t sure of him since he is in the other room. Cirie said she loves Hisam and thinks that he is a solid person. Red said that would give them six. Cirie said she feels great about that group.

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