Big Brother 25 Day 31 - Jared nominates Cameron and Red for eviction

September 1, 2023

9:59 AM: America and Cory discussed what happened with the vote. America said Cirie told them she would talk to everyone else, and then the next morning she said that keeping Jag was not going to happen. Cory said Izzy plans to say that the and America are untrustworthy and they are going to have to say Izzy and the others are untrustworthy, and then it’s up to Jag to decide who he believes. Cory said he plans to play a more active game starting today.

10:05 AM: Felicia and Jared discussed the plan to nominate Cameron and Red. Felicia said Jared can have Cameron believing that he is the pawn, and then can tell Red that Cameron volunteered to be the pawn next to him.

10:16 AM: Bowie asked Jared who the replacement nominee would be. Jared said that it would be America. Jared said he really needs to talk to Red because he needs him to not use the veto on Cameron if he doesn’t go on the block. Bowie encouraged Jared to have the conversation, saying that they aren’t as tight as Jared thinks.

10:22 AM: Izzy asked Jared what she should be saying to Jag about the vote. Jared said he believes that Jag trusts them 100% based on his conversation with Jag. He added that Blue told him he doesn’t feel any type of way about Cirie, Felicia or Izzy either. Izzy said that’s good enough for her. Jared let Izzy know that Bowie might be closer to Red than she is to Cameron. Izzy suggested that they keep Red anyway.

10:28 AM: Jared told Cirie that Bowie was preaching about targeting America but she does not care about Cameron going. Cirie said Jared needs to tell Red that Cameron was throwing him under the bus. Jared doesn’t trust Red not to say anything to Cameron. Cirie didn’t think he would since it would put his game at risk. Jared said America would be his replacement nominee. Jared told Cirie that Matt filled him in on the power last night.

10:44 AM: Jared told Red that Cameron approached him last night and insinuated that he was fine with being a pawn next to him. Jared said he is leaning towards putting Cameron up since this is the third time that Cameron has been willing to jump ship. Jared said people trust Red more than they trust Cameron. Red asked what Jared’s thoughts on America are in the event that he wins the veto. Jared said America would then be going on the block but Cameron is his target this week.

11:19 AM: Jared told Jag that Bowie is super loyal to Red and she threw Cameron under the bus immediately. Jared said he is thinking about putting America or Bowie up if one of the nominees come down. Jag suggested that America going up is more dangerous since there would be potential for her to go home as opposed to Bowie who nobody would vote out. Jared told Jag that Matt let him know about the power.

11:42 AM: Mecole told Jared she thinks that Cameron needs to be the target this week since he is the glue that brings Bowie and Red together. She added that Cameron is the one actively trying to bring it America, Cory and Matt. Moving forward, Mecole said they are going to have to get America and Cory out before they get to the memory comps. She suggested that one of the two would need to leave soon.

12:09 PM: Jared let Cameron know that he is leaning towards America or Red, and he has let Red know that he would possibly be on the block. Cameron said he respects whatever Jared does and would come to him to ask what he wants to do if he wins the veto, if America and Red are on the block. Jared said he thinks Red is under the impression that Cameron would save him. Cameron asked if Jared is leaning towards one over the other. Jared said Red. When Jared asked how Cameron would feel about sitting next to Red, Cameron said that he does not want to be the pawn king.

1:03 PM: Cirie, Jag and Matt talked about having a three person alliance. They brainstormed various names and handshakes. They talked about how they wish Jag could have known about the power earlier on in the week because they knew how he must have felt.

1:17 PM: Jared told Blue that Cameron does not want to go on the block. He said Cameron definitely needs to go because he will be taking a shot at him after this if not. Jared asked Blue for her thoughts on who should go up next to Red, as he was now considering a backdoor. Blue pointed out that Cameron has only won one competition and more things can go wrong with the backdoor route.

2:10 PM: Jared told Cory that he plans to nominate Cameron and Red, but he asked if a backdoor would be smarter. Cory said he thinks that everyone would be pissed off about that. He added that Bowie and Red would then both pick Cameron if they get houseguest’s choice as well.

3:15 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:34 PM: Feeds returned. Jared nominated Cameron and Red for eviction.

4:38 PM: Cory asked Cameron if Jared gave him any indication. Cameron said yeah but he didn’t know that he would be the one sitting next to Red. Cory suggested that if Red is the target, Jared probably worried that Cameron would win the veto and use it on him. Cameron said he gets that.

4:43 PM: Jared told Cirie and Felicia that Cameron is going to have to keep it cool even if he wins the veto, as it wont matter unless he follows that up with an HoH win. Jared brought up Cameron revisiting the idea of putting Izzy on the block this week.

4:54 PM: Cirie told Felicia that Red’s birthday is coming up and she cannot have him go home on his birthday. Felicia said she told him that they are going to celebrate his birthday big.

4:55 PM: Cirie let Red know that everyone loves him and he does not have to worry about anything next to Cameron or anybody.

5:02 PM: Jared explained to Cameron that he had to put him on the block because he knows that he is loyal to his people and he could not risk him saving Red. Cameron said he trusts Jared and had told him that he would bend over backwards for him if he wanted to make a big move, but Jared should tell him next time. Jared let Cameron know that America will go up and go home in the event that Red saves himself.

5:43 PM: Felicia asked Cameron if Jared told him that he was putting him up. Cameron said he was told that it was an option and he said “please no” in reply to that. Felicia said she assumes that Cameron wouldn’t volunteer. Cameron said he told Jared “I will do whatever you need” last night.

5:57 PM: Cirie let Jag know that some people are feeling as if he is interrogating them about the vote. Jag said he did not mean for it to come off that way. There was discussion about getting everyone into a room to talk about it. Cirie suggested that he not go out of his way to gather everyone but rather bring it up if the opportunity presents itself when a bunch of people are together. Cirie said she is open to clarifying whatever he needs from her.

6:17 PM: Jared told Cirie that he has been thinking about America or Bowie as a replacement nominee but it would definitely be America. He mentioned Jag saying that they would be screwed if people then voted America out. Cirie assured Jared that America would not leave in that scenario. Cirie said she is mad that Matt told Jag about her playing in the competition for the power. She plans to deny it if approached.

7:20 PM: Bowie and Cirie discussed that everyone but Felicia has lost their mind once they became HoH. They then talked about how they cannot have Red leave during his birthday week. They said it’s terrible that Red said he knew coming into this that he would end up on the block for his birthday because he always has bad birthdays.

7:50 PM: Jared told Blue that he feels for Red because he mentioned having bad luck on his birthday. Jared said he has Cameron right where he needs him since he has him believing that America, Blue, Cirie, Cory, Izzy and Jag are going to vote to keep him.

8:54 PM: Jag let Red know that he has nothing against him at all, and things are open. He said he doesn’t want them to feel as though they have to target each other. Red pointed out that he has never been in a position to target anyone in the game. Jag said same. Jag talked about hearing that those on the other side were mentioning his name and then he felt that he had to protect himself. Red said names were discussed and he was in no position but to go along with it.

10:24 PM: Cameron told Jared he is not advocating for Red but he thinks that getting America out would strengthen both of their relationships with Cory. Cameron explained that making that move would settle the house since she is in every part of the house. Jared said he has been wanting to bring this up but the mamas would scorch him. Cameron insisted that Jared would get around the clock handshakes if he makes that move if he or Red win the veto.

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