Big Brother 25 Day 4 - Hisam wins the Power of Veto

August 5, 2023

7:44 AM: Jag spoke to Jared in order to fill him in on the group of eight. He let Jared know that the other members are America, Blue, Cameron, Cory, Matt and Reilly. They agreed that it will be tough to ever meet as an eight without being obvious, so it was best not to other than to initially lock things in.

8:06 AM: Jared told Izzy about the eight person alliance. They were surprised that Cameron is included. Izzy also questioned how much that group actually likes Cory. Jared believes that they do like him and really want to stay solid. Jared explained that he is going to have to work in both alliances, which Izzy understood. He talked about being with Izzy, Bowie, Cirie and Felicia. Izzy said she is going to trust Red for the time being, and Mecole is also in with her, Bowie, Cirie and Felicia. Izzy brought up that Jared and Cirie’s secret is a big one and she would love to keep it all the way to the end, only to have people go home and realize that she knew all along. They talked about being the core three. Jared said he doesn’t care what happens as long as it’s not one of them leaving.

8:36 AM: Hisam and Red discussed that they feel good with each other. Red said his core group is Hisam, Cirie and Izzy. Hisam said he feels closest to those people as well. They talked about how they like Felicia as well.

8:51 AM: Feeds went down for the veto player pick.

9:39 AM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Reilly, Felicia, Kirsten, Blue, Cameron and Hisam.

9:42 AM: Jag told Blue and Reilly that everyone who got picked is solid. Reilly said she almost wishes she got houseguest’s choice so she could have shown Hisam that she was going to pick him.

9:46 AM: Bowie told Blue, Jag, Jared and Reilly that she does not want the oldest person to go first. Reilly reassured her that Felicia is not going to leave this week. Blue said she is going to keep nominations the same. Reilly said she would do that as well and she plans to talk to Hisam. Reilly reiterated that she has one target in mind, that being Kirsten.

10:44 AM: Reilly told Cirie she is manifesting that it goes easy and they beat Kirsten, but she has thought about the disaster scenario and thinks she may have to nominate Luke if Kirsten comes down, because he is the only one that she hasn’t talked to much.

11:06 AM: Izzy told Cirie she is glad that Reilly mentioned Luke’s name. Cirie said she is nervous since if Reilly trusted her that much, she would have included her in her eight person alliance.

11:33 AM: Cirie told Hisam that they need to bring Luke in since there is an eight person alliance forming on the other side of the house. Cirie clarified that she could be wrong but she put it together based on what Kirsten has told them and based on who talks to them. She stressed that Luke is not involved and therefore they can bring him over. Cirie and Hisam discussed that they have both talked to Red and they think that he is with them for now at least. When Hisam asked if Jared is on the other side, Cirie said he is low on the totem pole and she believes that she and Felicia could bring him over as an undercover ally.

12:45 PM: Izzy asked Jared if Reilly has ever mentioned anyone’s name as her potential backdoor target. Jared said no.

12:49 PM: Izzy told Hisam and Mecole she is worried that Reilly may try to backdoor Cirie. She questioned why Luke’s name was mentioned to Cirie, as well as why Cirie was picked to host the competition. Izzy thought it could have been to butter her up before she cuts her. Hisam said he has to win the veto or else there will be a backdoor option available. Izzy theorized that Cory, a Survivor fan, could be feeding the idea of a big move (Cirie) to Reilly. Hisam believes that Jag is a main player on the other side. He said they will need to take someone strong out if they win HoH next week. Izzy and Mecole agreed.

1:03 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

4:04 PM: Feeds returned. Hisam won the Power of Veto.

4:16 PM: Corey told Reilly that Hisam pulled him in right after the competition and said it feels really good that he gets to help the house, and he knows that the plan is to get Kirsten out.

4:17 PM: Jag told Reilly he thinks that Hisam was the perfect person to win the veto. Reilly said Hisam will keep nominations the same, which makes her comfortable.

4:40 PM: Cirie and Izzy discussed that the plan was to backdoor Cirie. Cirie said Felicia doesn’t understand that Hisam cannot use the veto on her, but she is going to be safe either way. Izzy stressed that Cirie is not going home this week and that the veto is not going to be used.

5:00 PM: Cirie told Jared that Reilly was trying to backdoor her. She mentioned Izzy saying Reilly told her that she threw the competition. Jared argued that Reilly is feeding Izzy BS. Cirie still thinks that they are acting weird. Cirie said Hisam cannot use the veto. Jared said he wants to go for HoH next week and nominate Reilly next to Cory or Jag. Cirie suggested backdooring Reilly since she is a strong competitor. Jared warned Cirie that Izzy has to chill. He pointed out that Izzy started talking game with him in front of Hisam, and then Hisam concluded that he cannot be trusted. Cirie said she would talk to Izzy about it.

5:15 PM: Jag told Reilly he doesn’t know if she tried to throw the competition but it looked like she was going a lot slower, which worried him. Jag said he thinks Izzy may have mentioned something to Cirie about her having thrown the competition, but he doesn’t think that it is too damaging. Reilly said it sucks that they are skeptical since she told Izzy that she did not throw it.

5:43 PM: Blue let America, Jared and Matt know that she is going keep Hisam around for as long as possible and he is going to be her person at arm’s length outside of the eight. She explained that Hisam approached her yesterday to bring up wanting to align with her and Izzy as the queer people in the house, but she told him that she does not want to commit right now even though she likes both of them.

6:08 PM: Cirie told Red that Reilly threw the veto competition right in front of her, and she made it so obvious. Cirie added that they were going to backdoor her. She explained that Felicia is going to stay anyway, so she is grateful that Hisam is not going to use the veto. Red said he is hearing that people are concerned that those in their room are hanging out together. Cirie said that doesn’t make sense that people aren’t worried about the big group up in the HoH room then. Red suggested that the other group has to make something up to give them reason to go after them.

7:13 PM: Cirie asked Reilly if she wanted to win the veto. Reilly confirmed that she wanted to win because she did not want to have to choose a replacement nominee. Reilly reassured Cirie that Felicia is not going anywhere. She once again said that Luke would have been her replacement nominee, and would have went home, had Kirsten won the veto.

7:17 PM: Reilly let Felicia know that everything is going according to plan and she feels good about Hisam leaving nominations the same. Felicia asked Reilly who she is aligned with. Reilly said Jag is comfortable with her, she really likes Cory and Blue, and she thinks Jared is someone she can work with down the line. Reilly added that she trusts Cirie and Felicia. Felicia pointed out that the women had a 9-8 advantage but it will now be even 8-8, so they have to be mindful of that. She suggested that Reilly will need some alliances with women.

7:46 PM: Izzy and Jared discussed trying to bring Cory over to their side.

8:05 PM: Izzy spoke to Cory about working with Cirie and Jared. Cory said he could work on getting Jared if Izzy were to get Cirie. Izzy said she hangs out with Jared but they have not had game talks like this. As for Cirie, she said she would like to work with her.

8:47 PM: Jared told Cory it seems like they are on the outside of the eight. Cory said they are on the outside of the inside but there are other who are actually on the outside. Jared said that makes them expendable to the eight once they get further down the line. Cory argued that they will not get to eight with that group anyway, so they should let the group protect them for now. Cory suggested that Jared speak to Izzy because she wants to hear that he is on board with her and he feels on the outs of what is forming. They discussed their options for their eventual escape from the eight. They discussed working with Cirie, Felicia, Izzy and Mecole. For now, Cory asked that Jared do whatever he can to help him with Hisam, since he can tell that Hisam is not a fan of him.

9:14 PM: Hisam told Cirie, Felicia and Izzy he thinks that they need to leave nominations the same, evict Kirsten and then win the next HoH. He said one of the four of them, Mecole or Red need to win. Izzy added Jared’s name into the mix as well.

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