Big Brother Australia 2014 - Day 53 Recap- Lawson and Skye have a go at each other

October 29, 2014

Ryan and Lawson discussed that Lina is fitting in so well and that she has had no problems like Leo and Marina did when they moved in to the house. Lawson went to the diary room and told Big Brother that David is like a new person. Big Brother asked Lawson what he thinks David’s new found energy can be attributed to. Lawson said that he hadn’t thought of it before but it could very well be the fact that they have new females in the house. Sirens went off in the house and Ryan told the housemates that there is a fire. Ryan was made foreman for a fire drill. He told the housemates that they need to move quickly because there is a fire in the kitchen. Big Brother revealed that it was a scam so that they had a chance to put a bed in the comfort zone off limits, leaving them with only three beds.

Big Brother called Richard and Skye to the diary room, telling Richard that Skye can be his Big Brother buddy and help him out with adjusting to life in the Big Brother house. Skye advised Richard to be himself and be honest. She said that she feels as though she was put in the house for a reason and that her brain is a sponge and she will learn the whole time that she is there. Richard questioned what mistakes Skye has made, which she replied to by saying that judging a book by it’s cover is a bad thing to do. Tom’s buddy was Aisha. Tom asked if there is anyone that he should watch out for. Aisha said that Tom needs to form his own opinions. Big Brother asked Aisha how she feels about the new bond between Skye and Penny. Aisha pointed out that they are definitely cut from the same cloth but noted that Penny is more out there than Skye is.

Lina and Richard were called to the parlour room. A soccer ball awaited them. Big Brother said that they would have to spend a full minute submerged to their necks in an ice bath in order to win the soccer ball. They successfully earned the soccer ball. Penny and Tom were then called to the parlour. Big Brother informed them that the prize would be prawns and steaks if they are able to stay in the ice bath for two minutes. They successfully completed the task. Skye went to the diary room and told Big Brother that she loves Penny because she is so much like her and even eats like her. Skye said that she loves Lina, Richard and Tom as well. The four next door were hoping to get invited over for dinner. Instead, Big Brother provided them with noodles. Leo said that he will be the crankiest man ever if he is stuck eating only noodles for the night. Travis told Big Brother that he loves what he did tonight at dinner, as Leo’s face was priceless. Leo told Big Brother that he seems like a nice guy but he can be a jerk at times, so nothing will surprise him at this point. He hope that they would not be stuck in the sanctuary forever and be evicted from there.

Lina was paired up with Lawson for her Big Brother buddy. Lawson pointed out that Skye thinks that she is the boss of the house and is a totally different Skye that she lets on, based on her nominations that they got to see. Lawson suggested that Skye is someone to be careful of, because you need to be concerned that what you tell her may be told to someone else. Lawson felt that David would also use things that you say for strategic purposes. Lawson figured that Ryan is someone that is on track to win the game, seeing as he is cool and stays out of stuff. Lawson again brought up that Skye thinks that she has this in the bag. Later on in an unrelated incident, Skye and Lawson got into it. Skye had questioned if Lawson is a dumbass since he didn’t know the word “favours”. Lawson asked why she is being so rude. Lawson told Skye that it is so evident that she is 20, because she is so immature.

Skye told Lawson that he is a nasty person. Lawson asked Skye to name one person that he was nasty to while drunk, to which Skye quickly replied “your girlfriend”. Skye left it at that and told Aisha that Lawson is so smart, tricky and is pushing the buttons again. Aisha encouraged Skye to be strong and not let it get to her. Skye was upset that Lawson had a good conversation with her earlier but has taken things that she told him and now used them against her in front of the group. Lawson later filled Aisha in on what happened. Aisha felt that the two of them simply clash. Lawson admitted that Skye had a great point and definitely got him. Skye went to the diary room and said that Lawson is totally evil and that when someone has a go at her she will ride the defence horse until the sun comes up. At the conclusion of the episode, Big Brother revealed that this week’s task is now over. The housemates successfully passed the task.

Read our other recaps here.