Big Brother Australia 2014 - Day 78 Recap- The housemates' secrets are revealed

November 24, 2014

Big Brother gathered the housemates in the backyard for a meal and then informed them that he is about to play six secret videos, one for each of them. Big Brother explained that nominations, backstabbing and all will be played. Big Brother said that it is up to the housemates how much of their video is shown. A housemate can stop their own clip at any time but they will then have to spend their remaining time in the Big Brother house banished to the treehouse.

Lina’s video file was up first. It revealed her nomination of Ryan and her saying that Ryan is creating a pact mentality in the Big Brother house. Lina also said that Penny claims that you are her best friend but then will not sit and listen when it comes time to have a chat that a best friend needs to hear. Penny and Priya were shown discussing that Penny always needs to seek approval from the boys. Lina brought up that her relationship with Skye is superficial and that she likely sees her and Priya getting close and is trying to cut her out of it. Skye clarified that she is not uncomfortable with Priya and Lina’s relationship.

Travis’ video file was up next. Travis was shown nominating Priya due to her being difficult to hold a conversation with. Travis was then shown calling Priya patronizing. Travis admitted that he was in the diary room calling Priya a witch a few weeks ago. Big Brother then showed Travis calling it disheartening that Ryan would split up loved ones when he broke up the couples by sending one half of each couple to the sanctuary. Ryan laughed about it and joked that he was sitting there making up some plot to split the loved ones. Travis and Ryan mentioned that they had already talked this over and are fine.

Penny’s video was up next. Penny felt that Skye got away with saying awful things to people simply because she is Skye. Penny also criticized Skye for running around naked all the time. Skye told Penny that she wishes that she would have told her about these things. Skye also believed that everyone double dipped in the food, though Penny had singled her out.

Priya was then shown saying that Skye is so stupid, though Priya immediately spoke up and said that it was week one and that they hated each other. Big Brother showed Priya cautioning Skye about Penny and calling her out for acting single when she has a boyfriend. After the video concluded, Priya told Skye that she has probably said even worse things about her. Skye said that everyone in the house has called her stupid.

Ryan’s video revealed him nominating Travis multiple times, including for constantly hooking up with Aisha in front of everyone. Ryan was then shown nominating Skye, saying that she has double standards. Ryan also called Skye “so tacky” and a “dumb idiot”. Ryan called Priya boring and one dimensional, as well as a deceitful woman. Ryan immediately apologized to Priya and said that he does not want to be on bad terms with her. Priya agreed.

Finally, it was time for Skye’s secrets to be revealed. Skye was shown asking Big Brother if he thinks that Ryan knows that she is attracted to him. Skye’s conversations with the girls about Ryan were also shown, as were her multiple nominations of Ryan due to him being a threat to her in the game. Big Brother also aired Skye’s comments about Lina from just days earlier.

Afterwards, the housemates dealt with the fallout from seeing the secrets revealed videos. Skye said that the annoying thing about Penny not liking her is that she has only ever said good things about Penny. Skye also admitted that it hurts her feelings that everyone in the house has called her stupid. She questioned her decision to have came on the show. Skye went to bed crying. Priya and Travis came to check on her. Skye said that for the first time she wishes that she wasn’t there any longer. Skye explained that it relates back to her issues with herself and with everyone calling her stupid throughout this entire experience.

Big Brother told the housemates that two of them will get the chance to spend some time in the sanctuary. It was up to the housemates to decide who would go. Skye offered to go in with Penny, which is ultimately what the group decided on. Once there, Skye told Penny that she was surprised by the conversation that Penny and David had about her. Skye pointed out that she did not say anything bad about her. Skye admitted that she doesn’t know where she fits in in this game, as she doesn’t get along with the girls or the boys. Skye brought up that she could not believe how nasty Ryan was in his clips, because she did not think that he spoke that way about others. The episode wrapped up with a game of “Travia”, hosted by Travis. There was tension between Travis and Priya when Priya felt that Travis was not following the rules of his own game.

Read our other recaps here.