Things are still up in the air, with the eviction only hours away
July 11, 2013
A Recap of Day 21 in the Big Brother 15 House
As of last night, it appeared as though tonight's vote will all come down to what McCrae decides to do. On one side, there are five votes to evict Elissa. The votes are Jeremy, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Spencer and Howard. On the other side there are at least four votes to evict Nick, those being Amanda, Judd, Andy and Candice. After speaking with Elissa two nights ago, Jessie appears to have flipped sides and is planning on voting Nick out as well. If things went down like that, itwould leave us at 5-5 tie with McCrae's vote being the deciding one. After days arguing in favour of evicting Elissa, McCrae began to tell his side that he was 100% on board with voting to evict Nick. There are two possible options here. 1) He is actually turning on the Moving Company and will vote to evict Nick, or 2) He is doing everything he can to make Amanda and the others believe that he is with them, but will vote to evict Elissa and will pin the blame for that vote on Jessie or Candice.
Fast forward to this morning, and plenty of scrambling has been going on throughout the Big Brother house. Here is a recap of the conversations that have taken place.
Nick spoke with Howard to voice his concern that Judd and Andy may be flipping and voting him out. Howard told Nick not to worry, cause Elissa will be going home either way. Howard then went to speak with Amanda to see what was going on with her. Howard said that he has been hearing that she is still not trusting he and Spencer to vote with them. Amanda told him that the proof will be in the pudding tonight, as they will know who is on which side when the votes go down. Amanda said that the plan is still to vote to evict Nick. Howard said that he understood and he knows that it is the easy decision, but he has his concerns about Amanda since she keeps questioning things.
Spencer tells Howard that McCrae said that he's voting Elissa out but Amanda is voting Nick out. He said it doesn't matter, but Spencer says it does matter cause it proves he can't control Amanda. Howard told Spencer that they still have enough votes to send Elissa home. Spencer is concerned that Helen could win the upcoming HoH. Spencer and Howard discussed telling Andy and/or Candice at the last minute that McCrae and Amanda are flipping and are voting out Elissa.
Howard told Andy and Helen that he can't have McCrae with Amanda any longer, cause McCrae can't control her. Howard explained that Amanda is emotional and is considering flipping to keep Nick. He told them that she may be able to pull McCrae in to do that as well. Howard asked Andy and Helen to trust he and Spencer. Andy said that they will know who to trust when the votes come down tonight. Andy and Helen explained that they have the numbers without Amanda and McCrae, as long as Howard and Spencer are with them. Howard continued to tell the two that the more that Amanda is tripping, the more concerning it becomes that she is up to something herself.
Howard let Jeremy know that Amanda is tripping and McCrae said that he doesn't know how she is going to vote cause he can't control her. Jeremy then made his way to Amanda to let her know that he has been hearing that she is not voting with him.
Spencer approached Helen and said I know you don't trust me. Helen said that she wants to trust him. Helen and Spencer told each other that they haven't been talking game together anymore because Helen told Amanda that Spencer was trying to get her nominated with the MVP nomination. Spencer swore to God that he was not lying to Helen and that he wants to work with her.
Spencer told Helen that he is concerned that Elissa will go home because McCrae and Amanda made a deal to vote her out. He says that they will try to blame Howard and Spencer for flipping. Helen told Spencer that they don't even need Howard and Spencer's votes, cause they have the numbers. She did not tell him the names. She only said that someone from the other side is flipping to join their side. Helen went on to say that America is on their side and the MVP is on their side, so why would they ever give that away? Helen told Spencer that he can play Big Brother and be on their side or he can play to be Jeremy's friend by going to the other side.
Spencer then went to Jeremy and said that Amanda is voting Nick out. Spencer told Jeremy that Elissa is going to be Twitter campaigning to get Helen MVP if she leaves, so he proposed that they get Helen out this week because she is a huge threat and has everything memorized for HoH. Spencer went on to say that Helen has said that she will be after them if she gets MVP. Spencer then warned Jeremy that Jessie has flipped and will be voting Nick out. Jeremy quickly brushed that all aside, saying that they told Jessie to act like she is voting Nick out. Jeremy also said that Helen will not beat him in the HoH competition tonight. Jeremy said that Moving Company needs to stick with the plan to get Elissa out, cause there is no good in her being there.
Jeremy told Helen that people have been telling him that she is gunning for him, and these people have even been those on her side. He told her that people have been telling him to get her out this week, but he wants Elissa out cause Helen deserves to be there more than her. Helen let Jeremy know that she can't be letting people know that they are friends, as they had previously discussed. Helen said that she would not be after Jeremy and Aaryn if she won HoH. Helen said that she would like to talk to Jeremy and Aaryn at some point so that they can decide on some people that they all want to get out of the house. After Jeremy left, Andy came to speak with Helen. She quickly filled Andy in on what Jeremy had said. Andy said that Jeremy is an idiot and not to trust him. Helen said that Jeremy is someone that they will need to backdoor, kind of like Nick this week.
6:00-7:00 PM: Another blindside eviction took place, with Nick being evicted by a vote of 7-4-0. Elissa received four votes, those being from Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie and Howard. The one surprise in that group was Howard. Those in the majority were expecting it to be an 8-3-0 vote. Helen went on to win the HoH competition.
Read our other recaps here.