Frankie Wins the Power of Veto

September 6, 2014

3:00-4:00 PM: The houseguests slept for most of the day, which worked in Team America's favor since they have to keep the houseguests up until 6:00 AM tonight as part of their mission, convincing the others that there is a rodent in the house. Frankie told Derrick his plan for the mission. He said that he will come to the fire room and sleep next to Derrick at around 3:30-4:00 AM when people are ready to go to sleep, then he will say he hears something and gently scratch on the wall. At that point he will tap his activity tracker so that it lights up and he can look, then he will freak out. Derrick suggested not to do the scratching, as he could get caught. Derrick said that he can tell the others that he heard it too. Frankie said that Derrick can then say that he saw the mouse under the dresser. Derrick was okay with the plan if they really went to bed around 3:30 or 4:00 AM, but if it was earlier he said that one mouse sighting should be saved for later if people try to go to bed early.

4:00-5:00 PM: Caleb told Derrick that he is in the best position in the house because none of them would send him home if he is up on the block. Caleb told Derrick that his only fear is being nominated against Derrick because nobody would vote Derrick out. Derrick said that he would prefer to be in one of their spots since they can win $500,000 if they make it to the Final 2. Derrick explained that his chances of winning the game are dwindling since there are not many competitions left for him to win. Caleb then discussed the jury votes that he would have. Caleb believes that there is no chance that Donny would vote against him at the end. If he was up against Cody, Caleb felt that Hayden and Christine both do not like Cody and will not vote for him. Caleb believed that he could beat Frankie even easier than he could beat Cody. Derrick said that Frankie may win 9-0 since everyone knows that he destroyed the competitions. Caleb said that at least he would know that he lost to someone that really deserves it if he is up against Frankie. Derrick mentioned that anyone that brings Victoria to the end is a coward and will lose the game because of it.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds came back when BBAD started on TVGN. The competition was still underway. It was a timed competition. Cody was playing, so the camera went back and forth between each of the other houseguests, all of whom were in different rooms. Derrick told the camera that he thinks that he could have done better and will only win if the others were slow, but he figured that he would finish 1st or 2nd. Frankie said that he feels as though Cody would have no problem with the competition. After the competition ended, we found out that Frankie had won the Power of Veto. Frankie won with a time of 5:54. Derrick was close behind, finishing in a time of 6:17. Cody and Derrick had a brief moment alone in the storage room. Derrick said that Frankie cannot be beat. Cody agreed, saying that it is impossible to beat him. Frankie said that he will kill everyone on the planet if something happens on Wednesday to make him not safe after he won both HoH and the PoV.

10:00-11:00 PM: Frankie again brought up the possibility of him not being safe on Wednesday due to them having pushed the button. He said that he will cry if he is not safe after having won both HoH and PoV. Cody said that there is no way that Big Brother would have that happen. Frankie said that at that point he would have to make peace with it, because there is nothing more that he could do if he went home having won both competitions. Derrick and Frankie had a chat in the storage room. Derrick got on the floor and bowed down to Frankie. Derrick jokingly questioned if Frankie could let him win one. He then said that he knows that Frankie had to win because if Cody won he would have had to nominate either him or Caleb.

Frankie said that he will again use this to prove his loyalty, implying that he will leave nominations the same and send Victoria home. Derrick pointed out that she doesn’t deserve to be there. Derrick said that they are going on to the Final 4 as long as the button doesn’t screw them. Frankie said that he has painted a huge target on his back. Derrick told him that he has also created a legend, and told him that he is not in this alone. Afterwards, Frankie spoke to the camera and said that he has won 9 of 17 competitions, including three in a row. He called himself a beast and the biggest target in the house. Frankie expects that he will be evicted next if he does not win the Power of Veto.

3:00-4:00 AM: At 3:22 AM, Frankie went through a kitchen cupboard and began freaking out, screaming that he had just seen a rat or a mouse. Victoria questioned if he was serious. Derrick had bolted away and said that he saw it too. Derrick said that it was huge. Victoria said that she was scared and was peeking in to the kitchen from the doorway to the outside. Caleb said to keep the door open because he will try to run it out of the house. Frankie began saying that they need some traps. Caleb told them all to listen, as it’s a rat and it’s not stupid so there isn’t a trap that can be made. Victoria pointed out that there are mouse traps. Caleb grabbed a broom and began swiping beneath the kitchen appliances and cupboards. He then moved some stuff out of the way and asked Victoria to grab him a head lamp. He suggested that they get mouse traps. Derrick said that they should put food out for it. Caleb asked what they have that is very sticky. Frankie said that Victoria should make her was. Derrick agreed and they told her to make pan of it. Frankie then got honey for Victoria and she asked them to get her gummies as well. She then heated it in the oven. Cody game out of the DR and was informed of the news. He climbed up on top of a chair. Derrick made a trap out of a box, some cheese and a stick. Cody said that he would hold the box down with the broom, then Caleb can grab it.

4:00-5:00 AM: The houseguests continued to stay on rat patrol, though Derrick and Victoria were able to sneak away for a chat once the others decided to play some pool. Victoria asked Derrick if he thinks that Frankie would take him to the Final 2. Derrick said that he doesn’t know. Victoria suggested that Derrick have a talk to Frankie about that, mentioning that Nicole had told her that Caleb wants to take Cody. Victoria said that she doesn’t know if Frankie would take Derrick since he said the other night that anyone will lose if they are up against Derrick at the end. Victoria said that she too believes that no one has a chance next to Derrick in the Final 2. She explained that everyone loves Derrick and that he is the best game player in the house.

Derrick pointed out that he hasn’t won many comps. Victoria said that it doesn’t matter because he gets his way all the time and hasn’t been nominated yet. Derrick said that Frankie wont take Cody to the end because he is afraid that people will vote for Cody. Derrick also felt that people love Caleb and that Caleb would beat Frankie in the end. Victoria agreed. Therefore, Derrick thought that Frankie would take him to the end. Derrick asked if Victoria thought that Frankie would use the veto. Victoria said no and that she thinks that she will be going home because it’s all boys. Derrick said that he will vote for Victoria if she wants him to. Victoria said that he doesn’t have to because it’s stupid. She said that she is going to be leaving and that she is okay with it. At 4:57 AM Frankie had another rat sighting, saying that he saw it under the sink. Cody immediately jumped on top of a chair.

6:00-7:00 AM: 6 AM passed and Team America had successfully kept the houseguests awake until the required time.

Read our other recaps here.