Cody decides not to use the Power of Veto

September 14, 2014

10:00-11:00 AM: Frankie was alone outside going over a potential speech that he could use at the veto ceremony. He was trying to make it funny, saying that last week he won the veto and did not use it on Cody. He then said that if Cody uses the veto on him it would ensure that Derrick goes on the block, someone that is a great father and husband. Frankie then joked that he has done a lot of stuff for Cody, so it’s time for Cody to start doing stuff for him. Frankie then listed off winning HoH and putting Cody on the block, before cutting himself off and saying “That’s a terrible example. Forget I said that.”

11:00-12:00 PM: Caleb told Derrick that they are less than a week away from walking out of the house and getting back to reality. Caleb then said two of he, Derrick and Cody will be in that Final 2. Derrick said that he agrees. Caleb said that if it’s Derrick and Cody he will get the $25,000 America’s Favorite prize. Derrick agreed with him that he will. Derrick encouraged Caleb to predict the winner before Julie even gets a chance to reveal it. Caleb joked that he can start walking up there to accept it and then Julie will say that Frankie won. Derrick said that it will be Caleb that wins. Caleb said that he isn’t sure because Frankie has a big following, but his sister’s fans are 12 year olds. At the veto ceremony, Cody chose not to use the Power of Veto. Frankie and Victoria remain nominated and one of them will be evicted. When the feeds returned, Frankie told Cody not to vote him out. Cody laughed, which led Frankie to question why he was laughing. Cody thought that Frankie had said “don’t put me up”.

1:00-2:00 PM: Caleb told Derrick that Frankie was saying that Derrick threw him under the bus by saying that Derrick’s social game is impeccable and that he is trying to make people think that nobody will vote for him to ensure that he will get to the Final 2. Victoria joined them in the HoH room. Derrick said that the reason that Victoria is staying and Frankie is leaving is because Frankie talks too much. Caleb then said that Frankie mentioned that Derrick had never been on the block and should have been nominated. Caleb told Derrick and Victoria that he let Frankie know that as far as he knows he is not going home. Both Caleb and Derrick told Victoria that Frankie is going home and that she has no need to campaign. Shortly thereafter, Frankie spoke to Caleb and told him that he would like for the four guys to sit down and voice any concerns that they may have about moving forward together. Frankie said that he doesn’t want to get blindsided on Wednesday. Caleb said that they would let him know. Frankie mentioned that he would understand and respect the philosophy that he is a big player that they can’t beat, but only once they got to the Final 4 like they promised each other.

2:00-3:00 PM: Derrick told Caleb that Frankie has nothing bad to say about him so he is resorting to saying good things about him. Derrick said that his biggest fear is getting to the end and getting smoked in the jury votes. They discussed whether or not to tell Frankie that he will be evicted. Derrick felt that Frankie didn’t deserve the respect of being told since he was throwing them under the bus to Caleb last night. Caleb suggested that they could tell Frankie when they have a group discussion eventually. Caleb said that he would let Frankie know that even though he cannot vote he supports the decision. Derrick told Caleb that they would need to talk it over with Cody before making a final decision on whether or not to let Frankie know. Victoria was chatting with Caleb and then reported back to Derrick to let him know that he would likely have Caleb’s jury vote if he was in the Final 2 against Cody. Victoria explained that Caleb said that he respects Derrick’s game and how he has never spoken bad about anyone and has been extremely loyal.

8:00-9:00 PM: Big Brother informed the houseguests that they will need to be awake by 9 AM tomorrow morning. They don’t know, but Tuesday’s eviction will be taped tomorrow evening. The houseguests need to wake up early so that Big Brother can film footage for Monday night’s Big Brother After Dark, as feeds will go down sometime tomorrow afternoon until after the airing of Tuesday night’s eviction episode. By that point, the Final 4 HoH and veto winners will have been decided. The Final 4 veto ceremony and eviction will take place live on Wednesday night.

9:00-10:00 PM: Cody asked Caleb whether or not they are going to tell Frankie that he is going home. Caleb said that he thinks that they should. Caleb and Cody agreed that they would like to know if they were in his position, though they didn’t care much either way. Caleb felt that Frankie already knew in a way. Caleb said that he was done with Frankie once he threw them all under the bus. Caleb then said that getting rid of Frankie was the only way to guarantee that he, Cody and Derrick made it to the Final 3 together.

10:00-11:00 PM: Caleb said that Frankie felt that Derrick and Cody would not vote him out if Caleb did not want them to. Cody said that no disrespect to Caleb but he is voting Frankie out no matter what. Caleb said he doesn’t care because Frankie has got to go. Cody felt that he was on the bottom of the totem pole with Frankie, so he cannot stay. Caleb agreed. Derrick joined the guys in the HoH room. He questioned if they are definitely still telling Frankie that he is going home. Caleb said that Frankie deserves it and he doesn’t want people to look down on them for not respecting him as a player. Caleb felt that it would show a lot about them as people based on how they handle the decision. Derrick said that some things have made him feel that Frankie doesn’t even deserve to be told since he was throwing them under the bus. He said that they can tell Frankie on Tuesday night, as they assume that the eviction is Wednesday. Derrick felt that the guys need to stick together after that point so that Frankie does not get any alone time with them. Cody said that they could even tell Frankie just 15 minutes before the live show. Derrick said that that would be his preference.

Derrick told Cody that he doesn’t want to tell Frankie that he is going until the last minute in case Frankie brings up that Cody wanted Caleb out Week 4, the week in which Derrick talked him in to nominating Donny at the last minute. Cody said that he wasn’t too concerned about it. Cody then said that his speech for sending Caleb home would be that he has loyalty towards Derrick since he is the only person that he told that he would do anything for to ensure that they get to the Final 2, so Caleb needs to go so that he cannot do anything that could jeopardize Derrick’s chances of getting there. Derrick then brought up that Frankie would take him to the end over both Cody and Caleb, so he needs to go in order for Cody’s game. The guys agreed that there is no way that they will flip and keep Frankie, and said that Caleb will only have one shot at saving himself next week.

The Hitmen then discussed that Caleb thinks that they will nominate each other over him if they win the next HoH. Derrick said that out of principle and respect he cannot put Cody on the block. Cody agreed. Cody figured that Caleb going on the block would make him start to doubt that they are bringing him to the Final 3. Derrick wondered if it would make Caleb nervous enough to not take them. Cody said that he had thought about it and wondered if they should nominate each other in order to make Caleb feel safe with them. Derrick asked Cody if he thought that it would be better to nominate each other. Cody explained that he didn’t even want to bring it up out of fear that Derrick would question him, but it would ensure that Caleb takes them to the Final 3 if they kept him off the block. Derrick agreed that it may be the safer bet.

2:00-3:00 AM: Derrick said that he can’t wait to be back on the feeds. He explained that it’s so sick to be playing the game but the feeds are so much easier, as in this house you never know what the right call is. Derrick said that obviously everyone knows that he has been loyal to Cody and he plans on continuing that for sure, though Victoria is a very good girl and the feedsters are probably crushing him right now like “what are you talking about?”. Derrick said that the only one that affects him by who they are as a person is Victoria. He felt that there was more to Victoria than she lets on. Derrick then said that ultimately he will do what is best for the game. He acknowledged that Cody is a good player in this game and is a loyal guy.

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