Anick is evicted 11-0; Andrew is the new HoH

March 6, 2014


Arlie and Paul were the first ones to awake this morning. Arlie reiterated to Paul that the plan is to “run through the girls”. He added that he is going to be worried if any of the girls win HoH. Paul agreed and advised Arlie to make sure that he makes time for the girls in order to have a better idea of what’s going on.

Sabrina told the girls alliance (Sabrina, Rachelle, Sarah, Ika and Neda) that Adel had told her that he will be nominating her if he wins HoH. That being said, she explained that Adel had also said that he is not afraid of her seeing as he can crush her at competitions. Sabrina remains focused on targeting Adel in the event that she wins HoH. The girls discussed that it is imperative that they stick together. They went on to discuss who they would like to see go home next week. Sabrina was quick to point out that she wants Andrew to stay. It was noted that Paul could be an easy target, though it would be best to take out Adel first. The logic behind this was that Paul would remain a target into the following week, which would essentially buy the girls two weeks of safety.

Sabrina spoke with Anick to more or less let her know that she would be voting her out tonight. Sabrina explained that she felt as though she was being “one upped” by Anick when they first moved in. Anick took it all well, which led Sabrina to compliment her on not getting defensive. When asked if she knew whether or not she was going home tonight, Anick said that she has no idea. Sabrina left Anick to feel as though there is a still a chance for her to stay, and even to get her vote. In reality, it still appears as though Anick will be the one heading out the door this evening.

9:00-10:00 PM: On tonight's eviction episode, things went as expected with Anick leaving the house. It was a unanimous vote, at 11-0. Arisa then introduced to Scott, Allison and Nate, the three people vying for the "final houseguest" position. They were promptly moved in to the secret "war room" where they will be staying until one of them is voted into the house as an official houseguest.

10:00-2:00 AM: Immediately following the eviction episode, the live feed of the war room was turned on. We were able to get a glimpse of the three people that will be battling for the final spot. The three decided that they would work together, helping each other out in preparation for one of them entering the house. Scott noted that the houseguests will either want to kick them out due to their advantage of having watched them, or will want to keep them in order to try to find out what they know. There was some discussion that they would be best off not telling the houseguests that the eventual winner was voted in by Canada.

Shortly after 1:30 AM, the war room's screens were turned on. Scott, Nate and Allison were then able to watch what was going on in the house. They were quickly trying to form opinions and get to know everyone, which was difficult with no sound. Allison pointed out that she knows Kenny from back home. She later backtracked slightly and said that she needs to see a close up of him to verify this.

4:00-5:00 AM: After a long night with no feeds of the main house, they finally went live and we were able to find out that Andrew had won the HoH competition.