Big Brother Canada 2 Houseguest Bio: Ika Wong
February 26, 2014
Big Brother Canada Season 2 Housguest Bio: Ika Wong
Ika Wong
Age: 29
Hometown: Born in Montego Bay, Jamaica (lives in Thornhill, ON)
Occupation: Hair Stylist
Describe yourself in three words: Extra, witty, and charming.
Who is your Big Brother idol (any season, any country) and why?
Just one? I really liked Dr. Will (BBUS2 and BBUS7). People liked him because he was so conniving, but I liked him because he had so much fun with the game. Also I loved Rachel – I don’t care what anybody wants to say, I love her. She gave you three players in one – she gave a competitor, a showmance, and she gave you emotions.
Side Show Showdown! Who would you take to final two, Gary Levy or Peter Brown, and why?
Oh my goodness. I’m trying to think of who I would have the best chance to win against. I love Gary more than Peter. Gary would be hard to beat. Peter is very articulate, but I would take Gary, so that at least if I didn’t win he would win.
What prized possession (person, place, or thing) will you miss most and least?
Most: My kids, two boys aged 7 and 9, and their dad Brendan. And my friends!
Least: Cleaning up after people, and doing all sorts of chores, and cooking. I will probably end up doing some of that in the house.
Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I actually think of challenges as three categories – physical, endurance, and mental. I think I will do really well in endurances because I am so small, and I think the mental ones I will be good at as well. The physical challenges don’t look too physical to me. I kind of feel like anybody can do them. I’m going to be a triple threat!
Do you have a strategy going in to the house?
I have two, and when I get there I will decide which to go with. One is to get in a big alliance of at least four, and to have each of those people like me a little better than they like the others. The other idea I have is to pick one or two people that I am loyal to and just talk game with them.
What is your biggest pet peeve about other people?
I really hate people who are annoying but don’t realize that they’re annoying. They’re always saying things like “Why am I annoying, what do you mean I’m annoying?” – UGH. And I don’t like nasty people – I don’t mind mess, but I hate when people do nasty things like pick their nose or pee all over the toilet seat. Gross! Don’t do that!
If you could warn your fellow houseguests about one of your character traits, what would it be?
I wear my emotions on my face. If I don’t like someone it’s hard for me to hide it. I’m very expressive, and I’m also not going to back down. I’m the kind of person that has to tell you how I feel. I’m not going to just walk away. If you punk me, or diss me, I can’t sleep with it at night.
What are you in it for?
I’m in it for the experience. Also, I haven’t really seen a mom like me on the show before. Usually I feel like you see more cookie-cutter moms. On top of that I don’t think there has been that many really good black female players – with the exception of Danielle (BBUS3) – where are they? I would like to be like Tiger Woods was for golf – the best and black!