Big Brother Canada 2 Houseguest Bio: Kenny Brain
February 26, 2014
Big Brother Canada Season 2 Housguest Bio: Kenny Brain
Kenny Brain
Age: 25
Hometown: Grand-Falls Windsor, NL (currently living in Montréal, QC)
Occupation: Model
Describe yourself in three words: Ambitious, confident, and intelligent.
Who is your Big Brother idol (any season, any country) and why?
Britney (BBUS12 and BBUS14). She was funny, smart, and savvy. She knew what to say and when to say it. She was just a sharp player. I loved her on the show – I kind of wish she was my friend.
Side Show Showdown! Who would you take to final two, Gary Levy or Peter Brown, and why?
I would take Peter because I don’t feel he would have as good of a game as Gary. Peter was clearly intelligent, but he didn’t have that good a social game.
What prized possession (person, place, or thing) will you miss most and least?
Most: 100% my dog. It was pretty tough to leave her – this will be the longest we have spent apart since I got her as a puppy, and hopefully will be the longest we’re ever apart for the rest of my life.
Least: Definitely the cold Montréal winter – it has been brutal this year and I won’t miss it!
Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
Mental. I am a very competitive person and I’m in pretty good shape. I’ve done marathons and I work out a lot so I assume I’ll be better at physical challenges. I consider myself to be fairly intelligent, so I think I’ll do well at the mental challenges too...except for the memory-based ones, those I’ll have to work on a lot.
Do you have a strategy going in to the house?
I’m going to start off really slow. I will go in, try to be everyone’s friend, and get to know people. I don’t want to come off as threatening whatsoever so I will probably throw the first few challenges. My plan is to be reserved and laid back, and let the other houseguests start picking each other off. I’ll sit back and watch, and then make moves by winning some challenges so that I can make the big decisions.
What is your biggest pet peeve about other people?
Messiness! And people that are late, untidy, and disorganized – it’s disrespectful to others. I think I have a bit of OCD and I know it’s going to be a huge issue in the house because I won’t be able to escape other people doing those things.
If you could warn your fellow houseguests about one of your character traits, what would it be?
I don’t want to warn them about anything! If I had to, I would tell them that I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m a sensitive person. I cry very easily actually; Tim Horton’s commercials, every sports movie I have ever watched…basically every movie I watch.
What are you in it for?
I want the money. I just finished school and those student loans are killing me right now. I’m also in it for the challenge. I recently sold everything I owned, packed two bags, and me and my dog moved to Montréal, not knowing a soul and without a job, because I like to challenge myself. And Big Brother Canada is the ultimate challenge!