Big Brother Canada 2 Houseguest Bio: Neda Kalantar

February 26, 2014

Big Brother Canada Season 2 Housguest Bio: Neda Kalantar

Neda Kalantar

Age: 22

Hometown: Vancouver, BC

Occupation: Freelance fashion stylist

Describe yourself in three words: Blunt, sassy, and clumsy.

Who is your Big Brother idol (any season, any country) and why?

Aw man, Britney (BB12)! She was hilarious in the Diary Room. She was an entertaining person to watch, but let’s face it, not the best player. 

Side Show Showdown! Who would you take to final two, Gary Levy or Peter Brown, and why?

I would take Gary because Peter had more friends in the jury house. If I was in the house with Gary, I think I would have had more friends than him. Oh no. But Gary has so many fans and I don’t want them to hate me for saying that I could get more votes than him. OK, I’m changing my answer now. I would take Peter… because he screamed in the Diary Room so much.

What prized possession (person, place, or thing) will you miss most and least?

Most: My sister, but she’s not my “possession.”  I’ll just really miss her because she gives me advice on everything I do. It’ll be so hard making decisions without her.                                          

Least: My phone. Even though I’ll twitch to use it, it’s nice to get a break from society.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

I don’t fear any challenges because I don’t plan on winning any. I know that I won’t have a hard time with brain challenges though. The physical ones will be hard for me, but I don’t care. All I want is to be able to finish the challenges.

Do you have a strategy going in to the house?

My strategy is to be nice and make as many personal connections as I can, which will be hard to pull off because I’m blunt and can rub people the wrong way.

What is your biggest pet peeve about other people?

People without manners! People who don’t say please and thank you. People who burp or fart out loud. People who don’t offer a seat to an older person or someone with shopping bags on the bus. People who don’t say thank you to bus driversreally piss me off. I always say thank you to the bus driver and people look at me like I’m crazy!

If you could warn your fellow houseguests about one of your character traits, what would it be?

Don’t be offended by the blunt things that I say. Don’t take what I say to heart. I really don’t have the best filter.

What are you in it for?

Because it’s Big Brother! I’ve watched this show ever since I can remember. I’ve watched every single season of the U.S. version, some of the Australian and U.K. versions, and of course, Canada’s first season, which was amazing and had the best challenges! I read all of the blogs and fan forums. I read anything and everything that has to do with Big Brother. I’m a Big Brother nerd!