Amber and Devin win HoH; Hayden, Nicole, Paola and Brittany are nominated

July 3, 2014

6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight's live eviction, Joey was evicted by a vote of 13-0. The two part HoH competition saw the females compete first. Amber won to become the first HoH for the week. The males then competed and it was announced that Cody won HoH. However, after reviewing the tapes, that was overturned and Devin was crowned the second HoH of the season.

7:00-8:00 PM: When the feeds returned, Zach was telling Derrick that they now have to suck up to Devin all week. Derrick said that he’s not going to. Zach pointed out that he would rather have Devin win HoH than Amber. Derrick wasn’t so sure about that. Zach told him that it’s better that Cody didn’t win, cause now he can win next week. He said that two Bomb Squad members won and that’s all that matters. Derrick said “we’ll see if he (Devin) honours it”.

While they were talking, Devin was informing Donny that he meant what he said to him last night. Devin said that he is so sorry and would never nominate him. Devin explained that he wont even backdoor Donny. Devin then spoke with Caleb and told him that he has his mind made up on which two houseguests he wants to nominate. Devin said that he plans to nominate Paola and Brittany if he gets to choose first. Devin later told Paola that he is going to be honest. He said that there is a good chance that he will put her up because she is weak but she is not the target.

Amber told Frankie that she can’t nominate Paola and Donny as they are her friends. Frankie suggested that she needs to put up weak players so that they lose and she can remain HoH. Amber then brought that up when she spoke to Caleb. He reiterated that she needs to nominate weak people. Amber said that the weak ones are her best friends though. She said that she could nominate one of Donny and Paola but not both. Caleb said that Paola and Victoria would likely lose. Amber reiterated that she didn’t want to nominate girls only. She asked which guy dropped out of the competition first. Caleb said Derrick, a fellow Bomb Squad member. Caleb told Amber that she needs to nominate him next to Derrick or any other male Bomb Squad member, if she plans to nominate a male, to ensure that they win and stay safe. Amber told him that she can’t do that. Caleb and Frankie then compared notes on their talks with Amber. Frankie said that they will really need to work Amber since she still trusts them. Caleb again said that he wants to be nominated if Amber is putting two guys up.

Derrick told Cody that this is the worst case scenario for them, with Devin and Amber as HoH. Cody disagreed and said that neither will nominate him. Derrick said that he is likely in more danger than Cody since he was the first to fall in the competition. Cody said that Devin will want Brittany to go home so she will nominate her with Paola. Cody then said that if Devin nominates him he will win the Battle of the Block and make sure that Devin gets backdoored.

Brittany then joined the boys and said that Devin will put her up and do the same thing that he did with Joey, telling everyone that they have to vote her out. She asked if the guys would save her if they won the veto, cause it’s her only chance. Cody said that he would. Brittany then left and Derrick told Cody that if he has to go up he is going to tell Devin to be the one to do it, cause he is going to be coming after Devin if he wins. Cody agreed.

8:00-9:00 PM: Brittany told Zach that she sees right through Devin and he knows that he can’t manipulate her so he hates her. Zach let her know that he heard Devin saying that he is going to nominate Paola and his target, which he assumes is Brittany. Zach told Brittany that, even if they don’t win Battle of the Block, everyone is going to send Paola home. Cody and Derrick were also discussing the possibility of Paola and Brittany being on the block at the end of the week. Cody said that he will be trying to get people to vote Paola out if that is the case. Derrick agreed, saying that Brittany needs to stay because she doesn’t like Devin.

Zach went to Derrick and informed him that he heard Amber was saying that she wanted to nominate him. Derrick was shocked that Amber was considering nominating him. Zach also informed Derrick that Caleb told Amber that he better put him up with Derrick if that’s the case. Derrick said that was straight up of Caleb but he doesn’t want him to risk his game just because of his loyalty. Derrick said that he would rather Devin be the one to nominate him so that Devin could be backdoored. Zach told Derrick that they are sitting pretty and that he, Cody and Derrick will be safe this week. Derrick did not agree. Derrick then spoke with Cody and told him about Amber saying that she would nominate him. Derrick said that if that happens he will take Amber out whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Devin went to Amber and said that he will not be saying anything about her nominations and that it’s all up to her and that he will respect her decision. Devin mentioned that he will not be nominating Donny. He asked Amber if their alliance members are still good. Amber said yeah. Amber also said that she has a couple of people in mind already, though she didn’t name any name. She said that they could talk later.

9:00-10:00 PM: Amber and Devin were given their HoH rooms. While everyone was upstairs, Big Brother put “Nominations Today” on the screen in the living room. Derrick eventually saw it and went upstairs to inform the houseguests, who didn’t believe him. They then went downstairs to see it for themselves.

10:00-11:00 PM: Amber and Devin began planning for nominations. Amber said that she is hoping to nominate Paola and Hayden. Devin said that Paola would be leaving then. Amber said that she doesn’t want Paola to go but would have to send her home over Hayden. Devin said that he wants to nominate Paola and Brittany, with the goal of sending home Brittany. Devin said that he feels as though the rest of the Bomb Squad would like to see Brittany go home this week. They went back and forth over who should nominate Paola. Amber said that she doesn’t have many options in terms of girls to nominate. They did agreed that it was smart for her to nominate Hayden, as it would look sketchy if she nominated two girls, and both wanted to keep Donny safe.

Amber was still trying to figure out who she could nominate when Caleb, Frankie and Derrick joined her and Devin in the HoH room. Amber and Devin filled them in on their discussions. While it was previously said that Paola should leave over Hayden, they began discussing that Hayden could leave since Paola is a good person to use as a nominee each week.

Devin mentioned that he would nominate Victoria or Nicole if Amber nominated Paola. Derrick then mentioned that Amber could nominate Nicole if she isn’t that close with her. After some more back and forth, the group decided that Devin would nominate Paola and Brittany, while Amber would nominate Hayden and Nicole. Caleb said that he is close with Hayden and could tell him that he had a big hand in putting him up, as he prepared Hayden for this possibility before.

Cody and Christine were chatting while the nomination discussion was going on upstairs. Cody said that Frankie followed Caleb up there, and has always got to be in the middle of things, which makes him skeptical of Frankie. Cody was freaking out about potentially being nominated by Devin. Zach joined them and said that it would be stupid to send one of them home. Cody agreed but wouldn’t put it past them. Zach said that he expects Amber to nominate Hayden and Nicole. Cody then said that he does not want to get rid of Brittany. He explained that Brittany is a number for them while Paola is a number for Caleb’s side. Zach agreed.

11:00-12:00 AM: Brittany went to Amber and told her to nominate her alongside a strong player so that they could win the Battle of the Block and keep her as HoH. Brittany then told the plan to Frankie, Nicole, Victoria and Paola. They informed her that she would have to lose the competition in order for Amber to remain HoH. Brittany said that she would be willing to throw it so that Devin loses his HoH, suggesting that Cody be nominated with her. Frankie then went to Amber and told her of Brittany’s offer. Amber said that it wouldn’t be in the best interest of the alliance.

Frankie agreed. Frankie then assisted Amber in coming up with a nomination speech. He told her to say that she got her family pictures, which is all she wanted, so she nominated two people that she knew would have the power to take themselves down.

Meanwhile, Zach was telling Cody that next week they are going to reel in Brittany and Donny in order to get Devin out. Cody was on board. Cody said that they can pin the Hayden and Nicole nominations on Devin in order to turn them against Devin as well. Zach also spoke with Christine to tell her about the plan to turn the tables next week by working with Cody to pull in the outsiders and take down Devin.

Devin had a chat with Nicole, filling her in on the plan. He made it clear that there is a specific target that will be nominated next to a weak player. He also told Nicole that if she were to end up on the block, it would be with someone strong so that they could win. Devin let Amber know about his talk with Nicole. She was a little irritated that he didn’t let her have that talk. Devin then went to Hayden and told him what was going on, saying that Amber will be nominating him and Nicole. Again, Amber was irritated to find out that Devin had done that. Amber said that it is her job. Devin explained that she is too emotional so he decided to take care of it.

Devin told Paola that she will be going up. She said that she didn’t want to be nominated, seeing as she feels that she is the weakest player and it is embarrassing. Paola asked what would happen if the person she is up next to wins the veto. Devin said that there is a backup option and that she will not go home.

Devin said that if Paola throws the Battle of the Block competition he will ensure that she stays safe and is not the target this week or next week. Paola asked Devin if he would use the Power of Veto on her. Devin said yes, that he would use it on her to make her feel more comfortable, and pinky swore on it.

Devin went to Frankie and Amber and said that Paola is offering to throw the competition. Amber said that Devin is making it seem like Hayden and Nicole are already nominated. Frankie told Amber to let him think that because no one will ever think that Amber made this decision by herself. Frankie said that Devin already took credit for forcing Caleb to nominate Donny last week, so she can easily say that she did what Devin told her to do.

2:00-3:00 AM: When the feeds returned, we found out that Devin had nominated Paola and Brittany, while Amber had nominated Hayden and Nicole. Hayden told Nicole that they will win the Battle of the Block, but they can backdoor Devin if they by some chance lost. Amber, Devin and Caleb spoke to Hayden and Nicole. Amber said that she loves them both so much and wants them to stay. Amber explained that they are strong players and will win. Devin explained that the goal is to evict Brittany. They said that Paola had agreed to throw the Battle of the Block competition in order to get safety from Devin.

Cody told Christine that he so badly wants Devin backdoored. Christine wondered if Amber would actually do it. Cody said that he thinks that she would because Frankie would be able to get in her ear. If not, Cody said that he planned to backdoor Devin the first chance that he gets. The two discussed that Brittany needs to say over Paola so that they have an extra number on their side. Christine spoke to Paola next and let her know that it was clearly Devin that decided Amber’s nominations for her. Christine let Paola know that she doesn’t have to worry since the talk around the house is that she is not the target.

Brittany told Paola that they were nominated against the strongest players purposely so that they don’t have a chance to win. Brittany asked Paola if she would throw the competition. Paola said “Are you kidding me? If I don’t win it’s because I suck!”. Paola then reported back to Devin. He wanted reassurance that she would throw the competition. Devin and Caleb both offered her protection. Devin said that the plan is for Brittany to go first, followed by Victoria. He said that Victoria will be the replacement nominee if Brittany wins the Power of Veto.

3:00-4:00 AM: Announcements began playing over the speakers, leading the houseguests to believe that they would be for an upcoming competition.

4:00-5:00 AM: Feeds went down for the Battle of the Block competition.


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