Hayden and Nicole win the Battle of the Block; Plenty of game talk ensues

July 4, 2014

Just hours after the HoH competitions were completed, nominations were made. Catch up on everything that went down leading up to that point here.

6:00-7:00 AM: Feeds returned following the Battle of the Block competition. Hayden and Nicole won, meaning that Paola and Brittany remain as the two nominees. Amber was dethroned, leaving Devin as the sole HoH.

Paola was venting to Devin about Victoria, saying that she is so selfish. Victoria took Paola and Jocasta's bed. Both Devin and Jocasta were trying to calm Paola. Devin told her that if she doesn't calm down she is going to compromise her chances of staying safe. Paola wanted Victoria to go home. She said that she doesn’t think that she has ever been this angry before. Then plan, if Brittany wins the veto, is to use Victoria as the replacement nominee. She would then be sent home.

There was some other drama after the competition, as Brittany said that Devin made a gun with his fingers and pointed it at her and made a shooting sound after she lost the competition. Paola then went to Brittany to vent about Victoria. Brittany told Paola not to worry about going home, as she will be the one that Devin targets. Brittany said that her only hope is to win the Power of Veto or have someone else that is safe win it to save her.

Meanwhile, Hayden and Nicole were talking and said that everyone in the house knows that these nominations were all Devin. Hayden said that they all feel that Devin is a bit of an ass, so they should be safe next week because everyone is after Devin.

Nicole said that it’s weird being safe. She mentioned that she has seen who her true allies are, naming Hayden and Christine.

7:00-8:00 AM: Zach, Cody, Derrick and Christine were talking about the week ahead. Zach said that they have to sit back and do nothing this week, as they are all safe. Cody asked who will go home. Zach said Brittany. Cody said that he doesn’t want to keep leaving players in the game that will side with Devin. Zach said that Donny was talking shit about Devin with him today. Zach went on to say that they will reel in whichever girl stays this week, then whoever wins HoH will be backdooring Devin. Cody was concerned that Amber takes all of the information that she gets straight back to Caleb and Devin. Christine mentioned that Amber said that she was so mad that Devin won HoH because she wanted to backdoor Devin.

Derrick brought up that the whole point of the Bomb Squad was to take out the floaters. Zach then said let’s vote out Paola this week and keep Brittany. It was mentioned that that wont be easy. Zach said they should have the Bomb Squad minus Devin and Caleb. He told Christine to work on reeling in Amber. He added that the only person that wants Brittany out is Devin, so Paola is going home. The four of them agreed that all that they did last week was Devin’s dirty work, so they are not doing it anymore. Zach and Cody said that they need to be paranoid because they feel as though Devin and Caleb are on to them. They agreed not to talk about this any more until after the veto ceremony in case the wrong person got wind of the plan and had Devin nominate one of them.

Cody and Derrick spoke with Hayden. They discussed that they don’t understand why Devin wants to keep keeping Paola around. Derrick said he wonders if there is a deal that they don’t know about. Cody pointed out that he doesn’t want to keep saving Paola since they could end up putting her up on the block with him when they want him out. That being said, Cody told Hayden that he plans to go with the house this week. Hayden told Cody and Derrick that Amber would not have put up him and Nicole if she wanted to stay HoH. Hayden said that they even told them that they wanted them to win. Cody said that Amber bowed down to Devin and got strong armed by him.

While they were talking, Brittany and Paola were having a discussion in the kitchen. Brittany said that she his no longer going to trust Frankie. She explained that it seems as though Frankie is playing both sides and is just telling everyone what they want to hear.

Paola said that there has to be a way to keep Brittany. She said that there is not. Paola said that she has thought of one, saying that she will win the Power of Veto and then use it on Brittany so that they can send Victoria home. Brittany told Paola that she doesn’t want her to risk her safety.

Derrick was concerned about Zach going up into the HoH room after their talk with him. Cody thought that Zach was just playing the game and wasn’t throwing them under the bus. Derrick and Cody discussed that they don’t want Brittany to go home but it might be tough to keep her unless she wins the Power of Veto. Derrick said that Paola will skate by another week. Cody then implied that he will throw Devin and Paola up next to each other if that happens and he wins HoH next week. The guys discussed that Brittany, Victoria and Nicole would never put them up. Brittany then joined them. Derrick said that they want her to stay but don’t know if people will have the balls to keep her.

8:00-9:00 AM: Cody told Hayden that he doesn’t like what’s going on in the house right now. Hayden said that he can’t believe that he got put up. Cody said that it made him realize that he could have went up just as easily, which makes him uncomfortable. He said that the number of people that are getting strong armed by Devin is ridiculous. Hayden agreed and said that Amber should have put Caleb up if she really just wanted to use strong players. Cody agreed.

They discussed that they have to lay low until they get the chance to make something happen. Cody suggested that he may have something to say after the veto ceremony. Hayden said that the only way for strong players to go home this year is via the backdoor, so the same few people will keep getting nominated. They agreed that they don't like how Devin is pushing people around but said that Devin is making it so obvious that everyone will want to go after him.

9:00-10:00 AM: Donny got up and spoke with Cody and Hayden. He said that he was thinking last night that he feels that a good idea would be for the three of them and Zach to align. Donny said that he thought that they could be trusted and then it was confirmed tonight when they were not included in the HoH room discussions about nominations. Donny said that he doesn’t like how a few people are running the whole thing. He pointed out that it’s all Devin and Caleb. Hayden and Cody agreed. Donny mentioned that the group of good kids that he really likes are Hayden, Zach, Cody, Amber and Nicole but he wouldn’t include Amber in the group because she is close with Devin and Caleb.

Donny said that if things keep going the way that they are, he will remain at the bottom and get picked off, while Cody and Hayden will only make it until the middle part of the game. Cody and Hayden said that things are no longer going to go the way that they have been going. Donny said that he would have wanted to nominate Devin and Caleb if he had won HoH. Cody said that it could be dangerous to nominate both together. Donny then pointed out that if he could trust the other HoH, they could each nominate one of them in order to ensure that one remains on the block. Donny asked how Hayden and Cody feel about Zach. Both guys said that they feel good about Zach and like him as well.

Hayden asked where they see Frankie. Hayden said that Frankie is good with everyone and will never get put up. Cody agreed and said that he thinks that Frankie will start throwing competitions because he wont want to get in power and have to show where his loyalty truly lies. Hayden said that Frankie and Derrick have the best social game in the house. Donny pointed out that Derrick was invited to the HoH room last night to discuss nominations, while he wasn’t and has never been invited. Donny pointed out that he sleeps next to Derrick and all of the girls come to him. They agreed to lay low until after the veto ceremony. Donny said that if they stick together as a four and each have a side ally, they will have the majority.


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