Jocasta and Hayden are evicted; Nicole and Christine win HoH

August 7, 2014

The vote flipped last night. Click here to find out how it happened - Day 48 Recap

12:00-1:00 PM: Zach spoke to Derrick and said that he would be so pissed if he were to leave today. Derrick told him not to worry because he has his word and will not be going home. Derrick told Zach that he can’t let on that he knows that Hayden, Nicole and Donny were against him. Zach made it clear that he is angry with them but he said that he will play it up that he doesn’t know what is going on.

1:00-2:00 PM: Victoria spoke to Derrick and said that Zach told her that she is going up if she votes him out and he stays. Derrick said that it makes sense that he would think that way. Victoria said that Zach pointed out that everyone wants him out, which led her to question if he knows that he is leaving. Derrick said that he isn’t sure but he feels as though something is going on. Victoria agreed. Derrick then said that the bad thing about Zach going home, like Victoria mentioned previously, is that Zach is the biggest target. She agreed and said that if Zach is going to stay she wants to be sure that she keeps him. Both also agreed that Victoria is not Zach's target. Derrick said that he would never let her be on the wrong side of the vote. He said that he will talk to Cody and Frankie to see what’s up and then will get back to her. Derrick told Victoria that she cannot talk to Hayden about this. Derrick let Zach know that he plans to flip Victoria's vote at the las minute.

2:00-3:00 PM: Zach and Christine discussed their hatred for Hayden, Nicole and Donny. Christine said that she is praying that they win HoH tonight because Nicole is going to get it. Christine was mad that Nicole has been sucking up to her all week when she is really working against her. She also felt that Nicole was jealous of her and Cody because she likes Cody. She said that the line is now 100% drawn. Zach said that Hayden or Donny have got to go. He said that he would nominate those two and then send Nicole home if one of them win the veto. Zach said that he is pissed and is never going to talk to Hayden again. He said that he has been nothing but good to Hayden and didn’t put him on the block but Hayden turned on him. Zach told Christine that he plans to ignore Hayden from now on and make Nicole cry every single day. Christine said that it’s so cool that they get to blindside the HoH this week. They agreed that the vote will be either 5-3 or 6-2 to evict Jocasta, depending on what Victoria does. Zach said that he is glad that this happen. Christine agreed and said that she thinks that it made them stronger than ever.

6:00-7:00 PM: During the double eviction, Jocasta left by a vote of 6-2. Caleb then won HoH and nominated Hayden and Donny. Donny won the Power of Veto and saved himself. Caleb named Nicole as the replacement nominee. Hayden was then evicted by a vote of 5-2.

7:00-8:00 PM: When the feeds returned, Nicole was visibly upset and was telling Zach that Frankie wanted him out. Zach said that’s funny and asked Nicole if she had any more stories to share. Frankie told her that there was nothing to flip and that he was keeping Zach the entire time. Frankie said that he cannot understand how this is shocking to her. Zach questioned what Nicole would have done if she had won the Power of Veto over Christine. She said that she was told to nominate Derrick or Cody. Nicole also questioned Christine in front of everyone, asking if this was her plan all along. Zach continued to mock Nicole, asking her if she wanted to start an alliance so that they can make up lies about people. Nicole told Zach that she doesn’t like him and is not going to pretend that she does. She began crying and asked Zach to leave her alone and stop saying her name.

Christine followed Nicole in to the bee hive room for a lengthy chat. Nicole said that someone is playing the house and she doesn’t know who it is. Christine said that she got played. Nicole said that she knows that she will be the next to go now. The girls discussed that people were putting things in to their heads and making them not trust each other. Christine swore that both she and Frankie were on board with evicting Zach until last night, then they were approached. She mentioned that Cody compared notes with her and things changed. Nicole couldn’t believe that Cody would be the one to flip this because he seems so nice. Nicole also found out that Cody was telling Christine some of the things that she said about her. At the end of it all, Nicole told Christine that she is the only person that she has in this game and that she will not nominate her if she wins HoH. Nicole apologized for throwing Christine under the bus.

Frankie told Zach that Cody mentioned that Zach had said that Cody is Frankie’s next target. Zach could not believe that Frankie would actually believe that he said that. Zach said that it sucks because he is now screwed since no one in the alliance trusts him. Frankie told Zach that he does trust him and that they all need each other more than ever since the line has been drawn in the sand. Zach said that everything that he has done with Cody and Derrick he has told Frankie. Frankie again said that they are 100% good. Frankie and Cody then sat down with Zach and discussed that the know that Zach has been saying the same thing to each of them from the beginning. Zach said that he just loves them and Derrick so much that he couldn’t say no to any of them. Cody said that he actually does believe that Zach is being honest about that. Frankie told Zach to stop questioning Christine. Caleb stepped in and said that he too has his doubts about Christine. Caleb pointed out that Christine asked Nicole to talk and has been locked up in a room with her ever since. He said that he would never be seen talking to the enemy like that. Caleb said that he believes that Christine was with Nicole the entire time and was using them in the event that things were to go south.

8:00-9:00 PM: After Frankie left, Caleb told Cody and Zach that a lot of the stuff that Nicole was saying about Frankie and Christine was true. Cody then told Zach that Frankie was acting so guilty all week because he was up to something. Cody and Derrick then explained things to Zach, letting him know that Frankie informed them that Zach runs back to him with information and was telling him about the LTA alliance as well. Cody advised Zach to pay attention to who comes and breaks up their talks when they are talking alone. Zach then told the guys that he just realized that Frankie and Christine are playing him like a puppet and that Frankie is probably talking shit about him in the diary room. He explained how those two approached him about a Final 3 deal and said that Cody needs to go first.

Frankie sensed that he was being grouped in with Christine and was being viewed as untrustworthy. He spoke to Zach and Cody to voice his concerns. Cody let Frankie know that Christine just spilled everything to Nicole, as Nicole came to him and called him out on some stuff. Frankie said that he didn’t do any of it and that they just finished their talk about trusting each other so they can’t start talking behind each other’s backs again. After Cody left, Zach and Frankie again attempted to work out their issues. Zach told Frankie that he has his back over everyone and always had, yet Frankie was blowing up his game. Christine joined them and Zach then said that his game has to change since people that had his back in this game no longer do. They discussed that they need to stick to their Final 3. Zach let Christine know that people are pissed off at her for running straight into a room with Nicole. He then said that in order for their Final 3 to work he and Christine cannot be associated. Zach said that he needs to be associated with Cody, Derrick and Caleb. Christine understood.

Cody talked to Zach and explained that Frankie and Christine were trying hard to get either him or Derrick on the block next to Zach last week. He revealed that Frankie was saying that Zach came to him and said that they have a Final 2 and he can’t wait to backstab Cody. Zach denied ever having said that. Cody also told Zach that Frankie said that Zach told him that Cody is jealous of their relationship. Zach said that the only thing that he told Frankie was that Cody feels as though he runs back to Frankie with information all the time, which led Frankie to say that Cody was jealous of their relationship. Cody then pointed out that it is Frankie and Christine that have been scrambling non stop since the live show ended, as they have been the ones that are up to something.

Zach questioned if Frankie threw him under the bus to cover his own ass. Cody said that Frankie had pretty much done just that. Zach then revealed his circle of trust Final 3 deal that Frankie brought him in to with Christine. He said that the purpose of making it was to get Cody out first at the Final 5. Cody quickly spoke to Zach and Derrick, telling them that he honestly wants to send Christine home. Derrick advised him to wait to see how the week plays out, then do so if he still feels that it would be best for his game. Cody was mad that Christine had thrown him under the bus to Nicole. He said that he has plenty of info to use against Christine to do the exact same thing. After Zach left, Derrick told Cody that Nicole still needs to go before Christine does.

9:00-10:00 PM: Zach told Cody that Frankie was lying to him. Cody said that he doesn’t doubt it for a second and that he believes Nicole over both Frankie and Christine. Zach agreed. Cody pointed out that you know that they are right when Caleb even sees it for what it is. Zach admitted that he had been conflicted as to what to do up until this point, in terms of deciding between Frankie or Cody. Zach said that he still did have Cody’s back over Frankie’s at the end of the day. He told Cody that he would love to see him or Derrick win the game over Frankie, seeing as Frankie doesn’t need the money.

Nicole spoke to Derrick to see what happened. She believed that Cody was responsible for flipping the votes. She said things are done with Cody but she still trusts Derrick. Derrick explained to her that he had no choice but to vote the way that he did because they wouldn’t have had the numbers. Nicole told Derrick that she still wants to work with Derrick and would love nothing more than to go to the Final 2 with him, even if it means that she only wins $50,000. Nicole said that her intent all along was to choose Derrick over Hayden, since she made a promise to him. Derrick reminded Nicole that Julie said that someone would come back. He said that Hayden will be the one to return if it’s a competition to get back in. He also said that he hugged Hayden on his way out and said that he will take care of Nicole for him.

10:00-11:00 PM: When the feeds returned we found out that Nicole and Christine are the two new HoHs. Nicole let Zach know that he is not her target. Cody, Derrick and Zach talked things over. Cody said that he will not work with Frankie and Christine any longer if he survives past this week. Derrick said that if they go up they go up, but he does not want anyone going up to the HoH room and throwing each other’s names under the bus. Frankie let Christine know that the guys think that the two of them have already flipped. Christine said that’s interesting. She let Frankie know that Nicole doesn’t trust Cody at all. Christine said that Nicole knows that it was not them that flipped things. Christine said that she will have to nominate a guy, either Zach or Caleb.

11:00-12:00 AM: Nicole and Christine spoke about nominations. Nicole asked if they can agree not to backdoor each other. Christine said yes. They promised not to nominate each other. Frankie then immediately interrupted the conversation and told Nicole that he had legitimately flipped to work with her until he heard that the plan was to backdoor him. Frankie explained to the girls that Cody, Derrick, Caleb and Zach are four strong and are done with he and Christine after Nicole and Hayden called them out on national television. Frankie told the girls that they should each nominate two of those four guys to ensure that they have the numbers. Frankie said that the three of them and Donny have nobody, then Victoria is also a vote for them as he can control her. Frankie said that he will prove his loyalty by voting one of the guys out this week. He told Nicole that he has been loyal to Christine since the beginning and wanted to work with Nicole because of Christine’s relationship with her. Nicole said that she was too naive before and there is a chance that Frankie is lying to her.

Nicole and Christine discussed that they need each other. Nicole told Christine that Cody does not have her back. Nicole said that she never thought that Cody would lie to her, so she is so frustrated. Christine said that she is also frustrated that Cody lied to her face. They agreed that they are not safe with the boys. Nicole said that Christine can nominate Donny and she can nominate Victoria. Christine said that they would then have to choose between Zach and Caleb for the other two nominees. Nicole said that Cody is then there for a backdoor option. Christine said that she would be on board for that. They decided that Nicole would nominate Caleb and Christine would nominate Zach. Nicole said that she likes Zach the most out of the guys. She pointed out that they need to get two guys sitting on the block together at the end of the week. Nicole did not want Victoria to end up sitting there on Thursday because she would go home. The girls wrapped up their chat and agreed that they would not tell anyone about their nominees.

12:00-1:00 AM: Christine went to Frankie and informed him that the plan is for her to nominate Donny and Zach, while Nicole will nominate Caleb and Victoria. Frankie asked if they would backdoor Cody. Christine said yes. Frankie told Christine that she is serious about turning on the guys since the guys are done with them. Zach asked Nicole if she knows who she is nominating. Nicole promised that she will not nominate Zach. She said that as weird as it sounds they need to work together. Nicole said that Zach is not her target and will not go up as a replacement nominee. Zach and Nicole agreed that they do not trust any of the others. Zach said that everyone tried to get him out, while Nicole pointed out that she was blindsided by everyone. Christine had a quick word with Nicole and told her that she is nervous about nominating Zach. Christine said that Derrick is already pissed off at her so she could just nominate Derrick and Donny. Nicole said that it would not be a bad move at all but advised her to keep thinking about it.

1:00-2:00 AM: Zach went to Nicole and told her that he is pissed off about Frankie and Christine being huge liars. He asked if if those are Nicole’s targets. She said that they are not and that she is afraid to tell him anything. She pointed out that Frankie and Zach are so close. Zach told her that Frankie has been lying to him this whole time and now he knows, so Frankie needs to go this week. Nicole revealed that Hayden did not want to vote Zach out until Christine and Frankie went to him and said that Zach planned to backdoor Hayden. Zach told Nicole that Frankie and Christine said that Hayden was the one campaigning against him. They both agreed that Hayden went home for no reason. Zach said that Frankie is dead to him and that he is done with him. Nicole then mentioned that Frankie and Christine said that Zach was trying to start an alliance but she forgets the name. Zach said that it was the Detonators. She also said that Christine told her that he said that Victoria and Hayden made out. Zach could not believe it and said that Christine is the one that started that rumour.

Zach told Nicole that he is going to tell her about this whole Big Brother life in five minutes. He said that she obviously knows about the Bomb Squad. He said that Cody, Derrick and him made a Final 3. He said that he and Frankie then made a Final 2 on Day 3 and he told Frankie everything that Derrick and Cody said. He then explained that the Detonators were formed two weeks ago. Nicole said that she was told that Zach created the Detonators three days ago. Zach said that it was created weeks ago when Cody was HoH, and consisted of him, Derrick, Cody, Frankie and Christine. Zach told Nicole that Christine was badmouthing her and said that she couldn’t wait to see Nicole’s face when she got blindsided. Zach told Nicole that he does trust Cody and Derrick and that he would love to see Frankie or Christine go. Nicole said that Cody voted her out and cannot be trusted. Zach said that he didn’t know which way they were voting and is a trustworthy person. Nicole revealed that Frankie came to them and said to nominate Cody, Derrick, Zach and Caleb. They agreed that they need to work together and that Zach has to keep this information to himself.

Zach went to Cody and informed him that Frankie told Nicole that she needs to nominate Cody, Zach, Caleb and Derrick tonight. Zach said that Frankie is dead to him, he hates him and he is about to backstab him. Zach said that he will vote Frankie out. Cody said that Frankie is going home if he is on the block. Cody pointed out that Christine is the same as Frankie. Zach said that she is even worse.

2:00-3:00 AM: Zach next to Caleb and told him that Frankie told Nicole to nominate Zach, Cody, Caleb and Derrick. He said that Christine and Frankie are making up lies about all of them and set up Hayden. Caleb then went to Cody and Derrick to relay what Zach had just told him. Zach then joined the other three and said that there is no way that Nicole was lying to him, because he told her stuff about his game in order to get her to talk. Zach said that he will ask to be nominated next to Frankie by Nicole so that he can throw the Battle of the Block and send Frankie home. Derrick encouraged Zach to do so because the new mission is for Team America to get someone to volunteer to go up as a pawn and then vote them out. Zach then told Cody and Derrick that he told Nicole about the Detonators. he said that he had to once Nicole said that Christine and Frankie claimed that it was created three days ago. They were unhappy with him for telling Nicole. Derrick said that Zach needs to run things like that by them. Donny then joined the guys, at which point Caleb and Zach filled him in on Frankie running his mouth.

Derrick went to Nicole. She told him that Zach is saying that he wants to work with her but she doesn’t think that she should trust him. Derrick called Zach the biggest snake in the house. Derrick told her that Zach has been telling people about Frankie saying to nominate the four guys. He then discussed the plan to nominate Zach and Frankie so that Zach can throw the competition in order to send Frankie home. He said that Christine can be nominated and sent home if Frankie wins PoV. Nicole had concerns about Zach not actually going through with throwing the competition. Derrick assured her that Zach would do it. Caleb joined them and reiterated that Zach agreed to throw the competition and that he wants Frankie out. Nicole was still hesitant to believe that Zach would do it. Caleb then offered to throw it instead. Nicole said that it would work better that way since she already told Christine that she may nominate Caleb. Derrick told Nicole that she has to give her word that she will backdoor Christine if Frankie wins the veto. Nicole said that she 100% would.

3:00-4:00 AM: After Caleb left, Nicole told Derrick that she wants to make Christine and Frankie look as bad as possible, even if she goes home in doing so. Derrick told her that Caleb is a man of his word and will indeed throw the competition. Zach then joined them and was filled in on the plan. He said that he doesn’t want to go up anyway and is okay with Caleb throwing the competition. Cody and Nicole then spoke. Cody said that he was legitimately devastated by Christine because he thought that they were as close as Hayden and Nicole were. Both agreed that Christine is so good that she still has them thinking about working with her. In the other HoH room, Christine told Derrick that people told her that Derrick is after her. After initially saying that he didn’t want to know who it was, Derrick asked for names. Christine said that Zach and Frankie had told her that. She pointed out that Frankie has told her six or seven times that the alliance is done with the two of them and will come after them once Nicole is gone.

Read our other recaps here.