Frankie nominates Cody and Victoria

September 5, 2014

Click here to find out what happened when the houseguests saw the BB Rewind button and who Frankie plans to nominate this week.

2:00-3:00 PM: After a late night, the houseguests slept in. Once they woke up, Frankie and Derrick discussed that Cody will be difficult to beat at the end. Frankie said that if Cody doesn’t win the veto, then Caleb is going to have a conversation about sending him home. Derrick wondered if Cody is actually as loved as he thinks or if it is a matter of him being paranoid. Frankie said that Cody is that loved. Both agreed that the jury members are unlikely to separate game from personal feelings when casting their vote. Frankie said that they are the villains of the season. Derrick said that they just need to get to the Final 2 together and then he jury will have to give one of them the $500,000. Derrick mentioned that people are already talking about giving the money to Victoria if she makes it to the end, so that shows what kind of jury that they are dealing with. Frankie said that he too will give the money to Victoria if she makes it. Before wrapping up the conversation, Derrick again told Frankie that they will make it to the Final 2 together.

Caleb quickly spoke to Cody and told him that if he goes up on the block and does not win the veto, he has nothing to worry about because they will not vote him out over Victoria. Caleb then told Frankie about having said that, telling Frankie that he wants Cody to know that the guys will be the Final 4. Caleb and Frankie agreed that Cody deserves to be there. Caleb and Frankie then discussed that there is a big chance of them going home if they end up on the block at some point. Frankie noted that nobody wants to sit next to them at the end. Caleb agreed, saying that they are the two biggest beasts in the house. Looking ahead to next week, Caleb said that if Frankie wins the veto and Caleb is on the block, he would feel that Frankie would choose to take him to the Final 3. Frankie said that he would indeed do that. Elsewhere, Derrick quickly spoke to Victoria to tell her that he doesn’t think that Frankie will nominate the two of them together, and that is part of the reason that he nominated her next week.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down as Jeff and Jordan visited the house. The “surprise” that Julie promised was that Jeff proposed to Jordan. She said yes. Their families and the current houseguests took part. Afterwards the houseguests were discussing that it was great to be a part of that. Derrick figured that Sunday’s episode would now be the most viewed of the season, bringing in 11 or 12 million viewers. Caleb making fun of Cody for almost crying during the proposal.

5:00-6:00 PM: Caleb and Cody had a quick talk about how Victoria needs to go this week and then the guys will battle it out from there. Caleb assured Cody that there is no way that Victoria will stay over him. Cody said that the only was is if she wins the veto, which is not going to happen. They then discussed how it will play out once she is gone. Cody said that he would keep Caleb over Frankie. Caleb believed that Derrick would do the same. Caleb and Cody agreed that they would be fine with being sent home at that point if it is due to not having won a competition to save themselves. Caleb said that Derrick is likely to end up being there at the end of the game since he, Cody and Frankie would all more than likely beat Derrick in the Final 2.

6:00-7:00 PM: Frankie went through his plan as expected, nominating Cody and Victoria for eviction. The guys were all expecting that, as Frankie implied that Cody would be the one to be nominated next to Victoria last night. Derrick checked in with Victoria to see how she was doing after being nominated. Victoria said that she is okay and that she expected it. Derrick pointed out that it could be worse. Victoria told him that she is actually happy.

9:00-10:00 PM: Derrick mentioned to Cody that if he won the veto and used it on him then Frankie would be forced to nominate Caleb in his place. Derrick then questioned if it would be smarter of them to keep Caleb in order to have him go after Frankie, or to get rid of Caleb. Before they could discuss things any further, Frankie came downstairs and broke up the talk. They agreed to talk about it later on.

10:00-11:00 PM: Derrick informed Frankie that Team America has received a new mission. He explained that America wants them to wear down their competition by convincing everyone that there is a rodent running rampant in the house. In order to successfully complete the mission, they must keep all of the houseguests awake until 6 AM either tonight or tomorrow night. They agreed that it would be best to do the mission tomorrow night after the veto competition. Frankie was excited and said that he feels better now because America doesn’t hate them and gave them a doable mission. Derrick said that they should not mention the first rat sighting until someone starts to say that they are feeling tired, as they would have a shorter amount of time to keep the act up then. Frankie felt that it would be best to have the first sighting in the kitchen, then a second one in a bedroom so that people will not want to go to sleep. They then discussed the button that had been pushed. Derrick said that his biggest fear is that Frankie will no longer be HoH. Frankie then asked if Cody is okay even though he was nominated. Derrick said that he is and that he realizes that he will have to win to get to the end, just like Frankie and Caleb feel like they will have to do the same.

1:00-2:00 AM: Derrick and Frankie quickly discussed their mission again. They both thought that it was very doable. They mentioned that the mouse sightings cannot be in rooms that are too far apart, otherwise it is not realistic. They settled on saying that they saw it in the fire room and in the storage room. Derrick said that they should take naps after the veto competition in order to try to get the other houseguests to sleep and rest up so that they can stay up until the required time of 6 AM. Derrick felt that Victoria would stay up as long as he does, while Cody should also be easy to keep awake. Both Derrick and Frankie were concerned about keeping Caleb from sleeping. Frankie thought that Caleb may say that he doesn’t care about the mouse and will just go to bed anyway. They also thought that he could be down depending on the results of the veto competition, because he may think that he is in danger of going on the block.

Read our other recaps here.