Big Brother Over The Top Daily Recaps


Day 65

Morgan wins Big Brother: Over The Top

Day 64

The Final 3 make their pleas to America

Day 63

Morgan advances to the Final 3; Justin is evicted

Day 60

Jason chooses to take Kryssie to the Final 3


Day 59

Kryssie confronts Justin about his behaviour

Day 57

Shelby is evicted; Jason wins the final HoH

Day 56

Shelby is nominated in Jason's place


Day 55

Jason wins the Power of Veto, likely Shelby's game

Day 54

Morgan nominates Jason and Kryssie for eviction

Day 53

The Jambalaya Gang alliance is officially over

Day 52

Justin advances directly to the Final 4

Day 50

Danielle is evicted; Morgan wins HoH

Day 49

Shelby uses the Power of Veto on Morgan

Day 48

Morgan is nominated; Shelby wins the PoV

Day 47

Shelby nominates Danielle and Jason for eviction

Day 46

Shelby saves Justin and Kryssie


Day 45

Shelby and Morgan make a deal with Justin and Kryssie

Day 44

Shelby becomes HoH, plans to target Danielle

Day 43

Alex and Whitney are evicted in the double eviction

Day 42

Morgan is nominated; The sisters reveal themselves

Day 41

Alex is nominated; Jason wins the Power of Veto

Day 40

Danielle and Whitney are nominated for eviction


Day 39

Kryssie and Morgan are safe from nomination

Day 38

Jason receives the care package, becomes HoH

Day 37

Shelby discusses her plan for the week

Day 36

Scott is evicted; Shelby wins HoH

Day 35

Danielle nominates Morgan as the replacement nominee

Day 34

Danielle wins the Power of Veto

Day 33

Danielle nominates Shelby and Whitney for eviction

Day 32

Justin, Kryssie and Whitney are this week's have-nots

Day 31

Shelby receives the care package


Day 30

Scott talks to Alex about a plan to keep her safe

Day 29

Neeley is evicted; Danielle wins HoH

Day 28

Whitney is the replacement nominee

Day 27

Morgan wins the Power of Veto

Day 26

Kryssie nominates Morgan and Scott

Day 25

Jason, Neeley and Scott are this week's have-nots


Day 24

Alex receives the "Safety Servant" care package

Day 23

Julie reveals that there will not be a Final 2

Day 22

Shane is evicted; Kryssie wins HoH

Day 21

Justin saves Kryssie; Scott nominates Shane

Day 20

Danielle is nominated; Alex and Justin win PoV

Day 19

Scott nominates Kryssie and Neeley

Day 18

Alex, Danielle and Shelby are this week's have-nots

Day 17

Scott receives the "Pick-A-Veto" care package

Day 16

Scott discusses his plan for nominations

Day 15

Monte is evicted; Scott wins HoH

Day 14

Alex nominates Kryssie as the replacement nominee

Day 13

America nominates Monte; Shane wins PoV

Day 12

Alex nominates Danielle and Shane

Day 11

Kryssie saves Jason from nomination this week

Day 10

Kryssie receives a care package

Day 9

The America's Care Package twist is revealed

Day 8

Cornbread is evicted; Alex wins HoH

Day 7

Kryssie is the replacement nominee

Day 6

America nominates Cornbread; Jason wins the PoV

Day 5

Monte nominates Danielle and Jason for eviction

Day 4

The first safety ceremony takes place

Day 3

Monte wins HoH, plans to target Jason

Day 2

The first HoH competition gets underway

Day 1

13 houseguests move into the BBOTT house