Day 90
Andy wins HoH, evicts Spencer, and wins Big Brother 15 by a vote of 7-2 over GinaMarie. Elissa wins America's Favorite Houseguest. |
Day 89
Andy checks in with GinaMarie, is short with Spencer in talks |
Day 88
GinaMarie and Andy talk Final 2; Spencer makes his case to GinaMarie |
Day 86
Andy wins Part 2 of the final HoH comp; Andy and GM swear on a deal |
Day 84
The Exterminators out themselves, GM wins Part 1 of the Final HoH |
Day 83
Judd is evicted, Andy wins HoH; Andy wins the Power of Veto |
Day 81
Judd is nominated and makes a speech at the veto ceremony |
Day 80
Houseguest plot to get McCrae to use the veto on GinaMarie |
Day 79
McCrae wins the Power of Veto; The houseguests debate who needs to go |
Day 78
Spencer and Andy plan ahead, McCrae and GinaMarie are nominated |
Day 77
Amanda and Elissa are evicted; Spencer wins HoH, McCrae is the target |
Day 76
An explosive GinaMarie vs Amanda fight; The HGs plan for the double |
Day 75
Elissa and Amanda solidify their agreement; Andy plans to turn |
Day 74
Spencer is nominated; Elissa tells Amanda she is keeping her 100% |
Day 73
Judd plots to get McCrae to save Amanda; Amanda realizes her game is over |
Day 72
Andy and Spencer plot against Elissa; McCrae wins the PoV |
Day 71
Spencer wins $10K in a luxury comp, GinaMarie nominates McCranda |
Day 70
Aaryn is evicted, GM wins HoH; Exterminators target McCranda |
Day 69
Aaryn accepts her fate, advises GinaMarie on who to work with |
Day 68
Aaryn makes her final plea; McCranda agrees Andy is more trustworthy |
Day 67
Elissa nominates Andy; Aaryn realizes that she is going home |
Day 66
Elissa plans to nominate Andy; The Exterminators alliance forms |
Day 65
Amanda wins the Power of Veto; Everyone scrambles to stay safe |
Day 64 Part 2
Elissa and Aaryn strike a deal and look to backdoor Amanda |
Day 64
Judd and Elissa discuss aligning; Elissa nominates McCrae and Aaryn |
Day 63
Helen is evicted, Elissa wins HoH and Judd returns to the game |
Day 62
Aaryn and Andy feel threatened; Helen accepts her fate |
Day 61
Helen campaigns; McCranda grows frustrated with Aaryn |
Day 60
Spencer is nominated; Helen tries to rally the "good people" |
Day 59
Helen realizes she is in danger; Aaryn and Helen plot to backdoor Amanda |
Day 58
Elissa wins the Power of Veto, finds out Helen is leaving |
Day 57
Aaryn nominates Elissa and Helen for eviction, with Helen the target |
Day 56
Jessie is evicted, Aaryn wins HoH; Helen is the target |
Day 55
Elissa and Helen target Amanda; McCranda and Andy plot against Helen |
Day 54
Jessie terrorizes the HGs; The McCranda Wedding takes place |
Day 53
The PoV goes unused; Jessie plans to wreak havoc on the house |
Day 51
Andy wins the Power of Veto; The plan remains to target Jessie |
Day 50
Andy nominates Jessie and Spencer; Amanda vs Helen |
Day 49
Candice and Judd are evicted; Andy wins HoH, plans to target Jessie
Day 48
Amanda and Helen push to backdoor Judd, while McCrae questions it
Day 47
Jessie targets Amanda; Amanda has her bachelorette party |
Day 46
Spencer is the replacement; Amanda plots against Judd
Day 45
Jessie attempts to turn the house on Amanda; Judd chooses his side
Day 44
America nominates Amanda; Jessie wins the Power of Veto
Day 43
GinaMarie nominates Jessie and Candice; GM impersonation contest
Day 42
Howard is evicted, GinaMarie wins HoH; Plenty of late night drama
Day 41
Jessie has a breakdown; Howard plots to take Amanda out
Day 40
Candice calls a house meeting; Candice believes that she is leaving
Day 39
Candice goes up; Amanda's paranoia puts a target on Judd
Day 38
Helen plots to take out Amanda, but feels that it is too soon
Day 37
America nominates Amanda; Spencer wins the Power of Veto
Day 36
Have-nots are decided; Howard and Spencer are nominated
Day 35
Kaitlin is evicted, Aaryn wins HoH; Amanda gets her way with Aaryn
Day 34
Questions surround Judd; Word of Kaitlin being the target begins to spread
Day 33
Elissa's convo with Kaitlin causes chaos; Kaitlin clues in |
Day 32
GM is the replacement nom; Aaryn offers Helen and Elissa a deal
Day 31
Fallout from last night's drama; The target shifts to Kaitlin
Day 30
America nominates Elissa as the MVP nominee; Elissa wins the PoV
Day 29
Have-nots get "mangoes and macaroni"; Judd noms Aaryn and Kaitlin
Day 28
Jeremy is evicted; Judd wins HoH, plans for nominations
Day 27
Helen and Elissa make their decision; A talk show takes place
Day 26
The Knockouts alliance forms; Jeremy makes his final pitch
Day 25
Jeremy is the replacement nominee; The Goof Troop alliance is named |
Day 21 Part 2
The racism lives on, causing some to break; McCrae reveals the MC |
Day 21 Part 1
Plenty of last minute scrambling puts Nick's game in danger |
Day 18
Nick is the replacement nominee; The MC is concerned about Amanda |
Day 17
Helen spreads a rumour that Nick is Dan's cousin; Spencer targets Amanda |
Day 16
Jeremy gets nominated, wins PoV; Much debate on what to do with Elissa |
Day 15
Aaryn noms Elissa and Helen; Elissa gets MVP, plans to nom Jeremy
Day 14
Plenty of talk about noms; 4th of July "Fireworks" between the girls
Day 13
David is evicted, Aaryn wins HoH; Helen and Candice are on to the MC |
Day 11
GinaMarie says that she is leaving; Aaryn ends her showmance
Day 10
Things get heated after due to "winegate"; The target on Aaryn grows
Day 9
McCrae uses the veto, noms Elissa; The plan remains to evict David
Day 8
An alliance of eight forms to save Elissa; The plan to blindside David is on
Day 7
Elissa is the Week 1 BB MVP; McCrae wins the Power of Veto
Day 6
Candice and Jessie are nominated; Showmances begin to form